我有一个已经编写好的脚本,它只查找一个扩展名为 .xls 的 excel 文件。现在,

  1. 我想要相同的脚本来查找它在该特定位置找到的 .xls 或 .xlsx 并使用它......

  2. 旧脚本仅在 excel 表/文件上搜索 F 列中的文件.....这使得搜索需要永远,所以我希望它搜索 F 列中只有这个路径的文件:root_project/ Fut_DB_Projects 在 Excel 工作表的 E 列中。

请让我确切地知道在脚本中插入它的位置。我对 Powershell 很陌生,非常感谢您的回答。

# Creating an object for the Excel COM addin

$excelfile = $args[0]
$folder = $args[1]
echo $excelfile
echo $folder

if($excelfile -ne $Null -and $excelfile.Contains(".xls") -and (Test-Path $excelfile) -eq $True)
    if($folder -ne $Null -And $folder.Contains("\") -and (Test-Path $folder) -eq $True)
        $ExcelObject = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application

        # Opening the Workbook
        $ExcelWorkbook = $ExcelObject.Workbooks.Open($excelfile)

        # Opening the Worksheet by using the index (1 for the first worksheet)
        $ExcelWorksheet = $ExcelWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(1)

        #The folder where the files will be copied/The folder which will be zipped later
        $a = Get-Date

        $targetfolder = "C:\"+$a.Month+"_"+$a.Day+"_"+$a.Year+"_"+$a.Hour+$a.Minute+$a.Second

        #Check if the folder already exists. Command Test-Path $targetfolder returns true or false.
        if(Test-Path $targetfolder)
            #delete the folder if it already exists. The following command deletes a particular directory
            Remove-Item $targetfolder -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        #The following command is used to create a particular directory
        New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $targetfolder
        echo "Temp folder created"
        #Declaration of variables, COlumn value = 6 for Column F
        $row = 1
        $col = 6 

        # Read a value from the worksheet with the following command
        $filename = $ExcelWorksheet.Cells.Item($row,$col).Value2
        #change the folder value below to specify the folder where the powershell needs to search for the filename that it reads from excel file.
        $null = ""

        # Loop through each row in the excel file.
            $filename = $ExcelWorksheet.Cells.Item($row,$col).Value2

            #Checking if value read from Excel is Null
            #In powershell operator for NOT EQUAL TO is -ne not <>
            if($filename -ne $Null)
                $filepath = $folder+$filename
                #Check if the filepath read from excel is a real filepath OR check if the file exists.
                if(Test-Path $filepath)
                    #If the file exists, move it to the folder declared above
                    # Change the below command to Move-Item if you want to Move the file and not Copy...
                    Copy-Item $filepath $targetfolder
                    #$Allfiles = Get-ChildItem -Recurse $folder
                    #You add the folders to the following list that you want the script to skip as it searches
                    #for the files through directory and its subdirectories
                    #eg. $xdir = @("Folder1","Folder2","Folder3")
                    $xdir = @("Tables","Views","Update","Synonyms","BES","ADTLTransit","Fut_DB_Jobs","Triggers","Scripts")
                    $remove = [string]::join("|",$xdir)

                    $Allfiles = Get-ChildItem -Recurse $folder | ? { $_.DirectoryName -notmatch $remove} 
                    Write-Host -Fore Yellow ("Looking through subfolders now")

                    foreach ($file in $Allfiles)
                        $testpath = $file.FullName
                            Write-Host -Fore Yellow ("Found the file in a subfolder at location:" + $testpath)
                            Move-Item $testpath $targetfolder
            #incrementing the row variable by 1 to move to the next available row in excel.
            $row = $row + 1
        #while condition evaluates if value read from the excel is null. If null, then the loop breaks.
        while($filename -ne $Null)

        # Important: The object needs to quit and the variables release, otherwise
        # an Excel.exe will remain open.

        $ExcelObject = $null
        $ExcelWorkbook = $null
        $ExcelWorksheet = $null

        while((Test-Path -path $targetfolder) -ne $True)
        $targetfolderinfo = Get-ChildItem -Recurse $targetfolder | Measure-Object
        $targetfolderfilecount = $targetfolderinfo.count

        if($targetfolderfilecount -ne 0)
            #Following command calls the function to zip all the files moved from source folder to target folder
            $directory = [IO.DirectoryInfo] $targetfolder

            If ($directory -eq $null)
                Throw "Value cannot be null: directory"

            Write-Host ("Creating zip file for folder (" + $directory.FullName + ")...")    
            [IO.DirectoryInfo] $parentDir = $directory.Parent    
            [string] $zipFileName

            If ($parentDir.FullName.EndsWith("\") -eq $true)
                # e.g. $parentDir = "C:\"
                $zipFileName = $parentDir.FullName + $directory.Name + ".zip"
                $zipFileName = $parentDir.FullName + "\" + $directory.Name + ".zip"

            If (Test-Path $zipFileName)
                Remove-Item $zipFileName -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

            Set-Content $zipFileName ("PK" + [char]5 + [char]6 + ("$([char]0)" * 18))

            $shellApp = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
            $zipFile = $shellApp.NameSpace($zipFileName)

            If ($zipFile -eq $null)
                Throw "Failed to get zip file object."

            [int] $expectedCount = (Get-ChildItem $directory -Force -Recurse).Count
            $expectedCount += 1 # account for the top-level folder


            Write-Host -Fore Green ("Successfully created zip file for folder (" `
                + $directory.FullName + ").")
            Write-Host -Fore Red ("There are no files to be zipped")

        Remove-Item $targetfolder -recurse
        Write-Host -Fore Red ("Target folder path not specified correctly")
    Write-Host -Fore Red ("Excel file path not specified") 

1 回答 1


尝试将第一个 if 更改为此

if($excelfile -ne $Null -and $excelfile -like "*.xls*" -and (Test-Path $excelfile) -eq $True)
于 2012-10-11T15:14:53.303 回答