作为记录,我将回答我自己的问题,因为它可能对其他人有用......(我使用的是常规服务,而不是 IntentService,因为它需要保持活跃)
对于从服务接收消息的活动,它必须实例化一个 Handler ......
private Handler handler = new Handler()
public void handleMessage(Message message)
Object path = message.obj;
if (message.arg1 == 5 && path != null)
String myString = (String) message.obj;
Gson gson = new Gson();
MapPlot mapleg = gson.fromJson(myString, MapPlot.class);
String astr = "debug";
astr = astr + " ";
MapPlot mapleg = new MapPlot();
mapleg.fromPoint = LastGeoPoint;
mapleg.toPoint = nextGeoPoint;
Gson gson = new Gson();
String jsonString = gson.toJson(mapleg); //convert the mapleg class to a json string
debugString = jsonString;
//send the string to the activity
Messenger messenger = (Messenger) extras.get("MESSENGER");
Message msg = Message.obtain(); //this gets an empty message object
msg.arg1 = 5;
msg.obj = jsonString;
catch (android.os.RemoteException e1)
Log.w(getClass().getName(), "Exception sending message", e1);
我现在只是选择了数字 5 作为消息标识符。在这种情况下,我在 json 字符串中传递一个复杂的类,然后在活动中重新构造它。