不幸的是,NVML 不提供有关设备计算能力的信息。
- 手动加载 CUDA 库(应用程序未链接到 libcuda)
- 在库中找到指向必要函数的指针
- 使用驱动 API 查询可用 GPU 的信息
我希望这段代码会有所帮助。我已经在 Linux 下对其进行了测试,但稍作修改它也应该在 Windows 下编译。
#include <cuda.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef WINDOWS
#include <Windows.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
void * loadCudaLibrary() {
#ifdef WINDOWS
return LoadLibraryA("nvcuda.dll");
return dlopen ("libcuda.so", RTLD_NOW);
void (*getProcAddress(void * lib, const char *name))(void){
#ifdef WINDOWS
return (void (*)(void)) GetProcAddress(lib, name);
return (void (*)(void)) dlsym(lib,(const char *)name);
int freeLibrary(void *lib)
#ifdef WINDOWS
return FreeLibrary(lib);
return dlclose(lib);
typedef CUresult CUDAAPI (*cuInit_pt)(unsigned int Flags);
typedef CUresult CUDAAPI (*cuDeviceGetCount_pt)(int *count);
typedef CUresult CUDAAPI (*cuDeviceComputeCapability_pt)(int *major, int *minor, CUdevice dev);
int main() {
void * cuLib;
cuInit_pt my_cuInit = NULL;
cuDeviceGetCount_pt my_cuDeviceGetCount = NULL;
cuDeviceComputeCapability_pt my_cuDeviceComputeCapability = NULL;
if ((cuLib = loadCudaLibrary()) == NULL)
return 1; // cuda library is not present in the system
if ((my_cuInit = (cuInit_pt) getProcAddress(cuLib, "cuInit")) == NULL)
return 1; // sth is wrong with the library
if ((my_cuDeviceGetCount = (cuDeviceGetCount_pt) getProcAddress(cuLib, "cuDeviceGetCount")) == NULL)
return 1; // sth is wrong with the library
if ((my_cuDeviceComputeCapability = (cuDeviceComputeCapability_pt) getProcAddress(cuLib, "cuDeviceComputeCapability")) == NULL)
return 1; // sth is wrong with the library
int count, i;
if (CUDA_SUCCESS != my_cuInit(0))
return 1; // failed to initialize
if (CUDA_SUCCESS != my_cuDeviceGetCount(&count))
return 1; // failed
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
int major, minor;
if (CUDA_SUCCESS != my_cuDeviceComputeCapability(&major, &minor, i))
return 1; // failed
printf("dev %d CUDA compute capability major %d minor %d\n", i, major, minor);
return 0;
在 Linux 上测试:
$ gcc -ldl main.c
$ ./a.out
dev 0 CUDA compute capability major 2 minor 0
dev 1 CUDA compute capability major 2 minor 0
在没有 CUDA 驱动程序的 linux 上测试
$ ./a.out
$ echo $?