I do have the following code.
SQL> select * from student_gpa;
--------------- ----------
22222 3
11111 4
55555 3
33333 4
44444 3
I do have this function to get the top two gpa score rows.
SQL> select * from (select ssn, gpa from student_gpa order by gpa desc) where rownum <= 2;
--------------- ----------
11111 4
33333 4
My question is what function do I use to get the top n% of the GPA score. For example, Since I have two individuals with a GPA of 4, dense rank would return 11111 occupying row 1 and 22222 occupying row 2. I was actually looking for a function say that calculates 5% of the GPA score and the returned value would be both 11111 and 22222. The 5% function SHOULD NOT return 11111 only. Even if I had more entries that had gpa of 4, the 5% function would still return all rows that had gpa of 4.Thanks