我想在 os x 的 PPT 文件中获取笔记的文本。我觉得这应该工作:

get content of notes page of slide N of active presentation


顺便说一句,我的目标是能够创建一组幻灯片的新版本,其中笔记不包含文本 STUDENT=HIDE... 我喜欢向学生提供幻灯片,但并不总是希望他们看到所有内容提前(例如课堂练习的正确结果)。


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注释在形状中(place holderclass --> text frame--> text range--> content)。


tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
    repeat with tSlide in (get slides of active presentation)
        set tNote to ""
        repeat with t_shape in (get shapes of notes page of tSlide)
            tell t_shape to if has text frame then tell its text frame to if has text then
                set tNote to content of its text range -- get the note of this slide
                exit repeat
            end if
        end repeat
        if tNote does not contain "STUDENT=HIDE" then
            --- *** do something with tSlide *** ---
        end if
    end repeat
end tell
于 2012-10-10T19:47:04.447 回答