I have created a Sublime Text File for Syntax Highlighting which is mentioned below.Its for a new Language called Visage and the Syntax definition is taken from Groovy since most of the syntax looks like Groovy.The file name is Visage.tmLanguage and can also be found on github

Now when I am using it in Ubuntu 12.04 while using Sublime Text 2 it works great but when I use it in Sublime Text 2 for Windows it really does not show any syntax highlighting and rather it leaves entire thing plain black and white.I have also written snippets for this language which work real great in both the versions of sublime. Please help me to figure out what went wrong?


1 回答 1


我的观察是 - 与大多数其他插件不同 - 语法突出显示需要在编辑 .tmLanguage 文件后重新启动 ST2。

于 2013-08-06T22:54:37.870 回答