我无法将视图呈现到字符串然后重定向,尽管2 月的这个答案(我认为是 1.0 版之后)声称这是可能的。我以为我做错了什么,然后我在 7 月读了 Haack 的这个答案,声称这是不可能的。


  1. 这是为了呈现电子邮件。虽然我肯定可以在 Web 请求之外发送电子邮件(将信息存储在数据库中并稍后获取),但电子邮件的类型很多,我不想存储模板数据(用户对象、其他一些 LINQ 对象) ) 在数据库中让它稍后呈现。我可以创建一个更简单、可序列化的 POCO 并将其保存在数据库中,但为什么呢?...我只想渲染文本!
  2. 我可以创建一个新的 RedirectToAction 对象来检查标头是否已发送(无法弄清楚如何执行此操作 - try/catch?),如果是,则构建一个带有元重定向的简单页面,一个 javascript 重定向,还有一个“点击这里”链接。
  3. 在我的控制器中,我可以记住我是否呈现了一封电子邮件,如果是,则通过显示视图手动执行 #2。
  4. 我可以在任何潜在的电子邮件呈现之前手动发送重定向标头。然后,我不使用 MVC 基础结构来重定向操作,而是调用 result.end。这似乎最简单,但确实很混乱。
  5. 还要别的吗?

编辑:我已经尝试过 Dan 的代码(与我已经尝试过的一月/二月的代码非常相似),但我仍然遇到同样的错误。我能看到的唯一实质性区别是他的示例使用了视图,而我使用了局部视图。稍后我将尝试使用视图对此进行测试。



public ActionResult Certifications(string email_intro)
            //a lot of stuff

            ViewData["users"] = users;

            if (isPost())
                //create the viewmodel
                var view_model = new ViewModels.Emails.Certifications.Open(userContext)
                    emailIntro = email_intro

                //i've tried stopping this after just one iteration, in case the problem is due to calling it multiple times
                foreach (var user in users)
                    if (user.Email_Address.IsValidEmailAddress())
                        //add more stuff to the view model specific to this user
                        view_model.user = user;
                        view_model.certification302Summary.subProcessesOwner = new SubProcess_Certifications(RecordUpdating.Role.Owner, null, null, user.User_ID, repository);
                        //more here....

                        //if i comment out the next line, everything works ok
                        SendEmail(view_model, this.ControllerContext);

                return RedirectToAction("Certifications");

            return View();


   public static void SendEmail(ViewModels.Emails.Certifications.Open model, ControllerContext context)
            var vd = context.Controller.ViewData;
            vd["model"] = model;
            var renderer = new CustomRenderers();
            //i fixed an error in your code here
            var text = renderer.RenderViewToString3(context, "~/Views/Emails/Certifications/Open.ascx", "", vd, null);
            var a = text;


public class CustomRenderers
        public virtual string RenderViewToString3(ControllerContext controllerContext, string viewPath, string masterPath, ViewDataDictionary viewData, TempDataDictionary tempData)
            //copy/paste of dan's code


[HttpException (0x80004005): Cannot redirect after HTTP headers have been sent.]
   System.Web.HttpResponse.Redirect(String url, Boolean endResponse) +8707691



3 回答 3

public Action SendEmail(int id)
  //Let's say that id is the db id of an order that a customer has just placed.

  //Go get that model from the db.
  MyModel model = new Model(id);

  //Now send that email. Don't forget the model and controller context.
  SendEmail(model, this.ControllerContext);

  //Render (or redirect!)
  return RedirectToAction("Wherever");

private static void SendEmail(MyModel model, ControllerContext controllerContext)
  //Recreate the viewdata
  ViewDataDictionary viewData = controllerContext.Controller.ViewData;
  viewData["Order"] = model;
  string renderedView = "";
  CustomRenderers customRenderers = new CustomRenderers();

  //Now render the view to string
  //ControllerContext, ViewPath, MasterPath, ViewDataDictionary, TempDataDictionary
  //As you can see, we're not passing a master page, and the tempdata is in this instance.
  renderedView = RenderViewToString(controllerContext, "~/Views/Orders/Email.aspx", "", viewData, null);

  //Now send your email with the string as the body.
  //Not writing that, as the purpose is just to show the rendering. :)

public class CustomRenderers
  public virtual string RenderViewToString(ControllerContext controllerContext, string viewPath, string masterPath, ViewDataDictionary viewData, TempDataDictionary tempData)
    if (tempData == null)
    tempData = new TempDataDictionary();

    Stream filter = null;
    ViewPage viewPage = new ViewPage();

    //Right, create our view
    viewPage.ViewContext = new ViewContext(controllerContext, new WebFormView(viewPath, masterPath), viewData, tempData);

    //Get the response context, flush it and get the response filter.
    var response = viewPage.ViewContext.HttpContext.Response;
    var oldFilter = response.Filter;

    //Put a new filter into the response
    filter = new MemoryStream();
    response.Filter = filter;

    //Now render the view into the memorystream and flush the response
    viewPage.ViewContext.View.Render(viewPage.ViewContext, viewPage.ViewContext.HttpContext.Response.Output);

    //Now read the rendered view.
    filter.Position = 0;
    var reader = new StreamReader(filter, response.ContentEncoding);
    return reader.ReadToEnd();
    //Clean up.
    if (filter != null)

    //Now replace the response filter
    response.Filter = oldFilter;

在您的 Orders/Email.aspx 视图中,确保您引用 ViewData 中的所有内容,而不是模型。你可以这样做:

<% MyModel model = (MyModel)ViewData["Order"] %>
于 2009-08-15T19:10:32.630 回答

Here is an alternative method for rendering a view to a string that never results in data being output to the response (therefore it should avoid your problem): http://craftycodeblog.com/2010/05/15/asp-net-mvc-render-partial-view-to-string/

To render a regular view instead of a partial view, you'll need to change "ViewEngines.Engines.FindPartialView" to "ViewEngines.Engines.FindView".

于 2010-05-15T17:38:32.090 回答


既然我知道您想使用视图引擎在 html 中生成实际的电子邮件,我提出以下建议:

在控制器中将操作呈现为文本的代码:http: //mikehadlow.blogspot.com/2008/06/mvc-framework-capturing-output-of-view_05.html


public ActionResult Certifications(string email_intro)
     //a lot of stuff              
     ViewData["users"] = users;              
     if (isPost())             
         //create the viewmodel                 
         var view_model = new ViewModels.Emails.Certifications.Open(userContext) { emailIntro = email_intro };                  

         foreach (var user in users)                 
             if (user.Email_Address.IsValidEmailAddress())                     
                 view_model.user = user;                         
                 view_model.certification302Summary.subProcessesOwner = new SubProcess_Certifications(RecordUpdating.Role.Owner, null, null, user.User_ID, repository);                         

         return RedirectToAction("Certifications");             
     return View();         

 public void SendEmail(ViewModels.Emails.Certifications.Open model)         
    var vd = context.Controller.ViewData;             
    vd["model"] = model;             
    var renderer = new CustomRenderers();             

    // Implement the actual email rendering as a regular action method on this controller
    var text = this.CaptureActionHtml(c => (ViewResult)c.RenderEmail(model));

    var a = text;         
于 2010-12-30T05:26:23.987 回答