我几乎完成了我的代码,但它给了我这个错误:' curtemp: undeclared identifier
'。和' prevtemp: undeclared identifier
'和' missing ';' before type
'(最后一个错误在“float curtemp = current->temp;”行。我不知道我的代码有什么问题。我试图从双向链表中删除一些元素,当该元素内部的温度比前一个元素的温度高 5 或低 5。
这是我的 .c 文件:
void remove_error(Dlist *list){
DlistElmt *current;
current = list->head;
//initializes ints for comparison
float curtemp = current->temp;
float prevtemp = current->temp;
//now moves current to next data
current = current -> next;
//begins while loop for comparison of data
while(current != NULL){
curtemp = current -> temp;
if((curtemp >= (prevtemp +5)) || (curtemp <= (prevtemp-5))){
//removes current from the list
dlist_remove(list, current);
current = current->next;
typedef struct DlistElmt_ {
int hour;
int min;
float temp;
struct DlistElmt_ *prev;
struct DlistElmt_ *next;
} DlistElmt;