它在哪里指定和/或是否可以从网格列标题中提取渐变画笔?我特别关注 Sliverlight 4 中 ScrollDataGrid 标头的默认渐变设置。


1 回答 1


Pretty much all your brushes will be in a file called Brushes.xaml in a Resources/Styles directory, search your solution for them. If you want to know what a specific brush being used is on a control, just open the control template for it and look for the name of the StaticResource being called for it.

Expression Blend makes this relatively simple. I think the one you're referring to is the HighLightColorBrush which then translates over to HighlightColor. Hope this helps.

于 2012-10-10T02:44:11.940 回答