我在一天中的大部分时间都在寻找解决方案,但我仍然一无所知。对于我的一个客户,我创建了一个简单的网络画廊来上传图片,我正在使用valums file uploader。到目前为止,我在创建的任何其他站点上都没有遇到任何问题,除了我前段时间解决的配置错误。
当我上传文件大小低于 260KB 的图像时,它可以正常工作。但是,当我上传更大的图像时,它不会让我返回任何错误。我只是得到一个空的缩略图,因为图像没有上传。
当我打开 Chrome 控制台时,我看到的是:
POST http://designflowstudio.com/gallery2/include/upload.php?url=uploads%2Fe558c4dfc2a0f0d60f5ebff474c97ffc&fid=7&qqfile=316267269718409738080100.jpg 403 (Forbidden) fileuploader.js:1463 POST http://designflowstudio.com/gallery2/include/upload.php?url=uploads%2Fe558c4dfc2a0f0d60f5ebff474c97ffc&fid=7&qqfile=3.jpg 403 (Forbidden) fileuploader.js:1463
在某些情况下,我收到 413 错误“请求实体太大”。
让我说这个问题真的让我很恼火,因为该脚本在我的本地 Web 服务器 (apache) 和我的 Web 服务器上运行良好。在这里,我可以上传尽可能大的图片,但在客户端的网络服务器上......
如果有人有时间并且愿意帮助我,这里是我用来调用值上传器的 JavaScript:
function createUploader(){
var uploader = new qq.FileUploaderBasic({
debug: true,
multiple: true,
allowedExtensions: [<?php $tmp=".";foreach($allowedExt as $ext){$tmp.="'$ext', ";}echo substr($tmp,1,strlen($tmp)-3);?>],
button: document.getElementById('uploadDiv'),
action: '<?php echo$home;?>include/upload.php',
sizeLimit: <?php echo$sizeLimit;?>,
forceMultipart: true,
params: {'url':'uploads/<?php echo$g['path'];?>','fid':'<?php echo$g['id'];?>'},
onSubmit: function(id, fName){$('#upload-list').append('<div id="upload-list-'+id+'" class="gallery" rel="'+fName+'"><div class="progress'+id+'"></div>');$('.progress'+id).progressbar({value:0})},
onProgress: function(id, fName, loaded, total){
var p = 0;
p = parseFloat(loaded/total*100);
if(isNaN(p)) p = '';
onComplete: function(id,fName,json){
$('#upload-list-'+id).html(fName+'<br />'+json.error);
.html('<img class="cmd" id="deleteImg" rel="'+json.id+'" src="<?php echo$home;?>images/delete.png" title="Delete picture" /><img class="img" src="<?php echo$home;?>uploads/<?php echo$g['path'];?>/th_'+json.fname+'" /><input class="ut" type="text" name="name" value="'+json.name+'" /><input class="ud" type="text" name="desc" /><div class="cl"></div>')
onError: function(id,fName,error){
console.log(id+' '+fName+' '+error);
window.onload = createUploader;
这是我用于服务器处理文件的 PHP:
ini_set("log_errors" , "1");
ini_set("error_log" , "php-errors-upload.log");
ini_set("display_errors" , "1");
* Handle file uploads via XMLHttpRequest
class qqUploadedFileXhr {
* Save the file to the specified path
* @return boolean TRUE on success
function save($path) {
$input = fopen("php://input", "r");
$temp = tmpfile();
$realSize = stream_copy_to_stream($input, $temp);
if ($realSize != $this->getSize()){
return false;
$target = fopen($path, "w");
fseek($temp, 0, SEEK_SET);
stream_copy_to_stream($temp, $target);
return true;
function getName() {
return $_GET['qqfile'];
function getSize() {
if (isset($_SERVER["CONTENT_LENGTH"])){
return (int)$_SERVER["CONTENT_LENGTH"];
} else {
throw new Exception('Getting content length is not supported.');
* Handle file uploads via regular form post (uses the $_FILES array)
class qqUploadedFileForm {
* Save the file to the specified path
* @return boolean TRUE on success
function save($path) {
if(!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['qqfile']['tmp_name'], $path)){
return false;
return true;
function getName() {
return $_FILES['qqfile']['name'];
function getSize() {
return $_FILES['qqfile']['size'];
class qqFileUploader {
private $allowedExtensions = array();
private $sizeLimit = 20485760;
private $file;
function __construct(array $allowedExtensions = array(), $sizeLimit = 20485760){
$allowedExtensions = array_map("strtolower", $allowedExtensions);
$this->allowedExtensions = $allowedExtensions;
$this->sizeLimit = $sizeLimit;
if (isset($_GET['qqfile'])) {
$this->file = new qqUploadedFileXhr();
} elseif (isset($_FILES['qqfile'])) {
$this->file = new qqUploadedFileForm();
} else {
$this->file = false;
private function checkServerSettings(){
$postSize = $this->toBytes(ini_get('post_max_size'));
$uploadSize = $this->toBytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
if ($postSize < $this->sizeLimit || $uploadSize < $this->sizeLimit){
$size = max(1, $this->sizeLimit / 1024 / 1024) . 'M';
die("{'error':'increase post_max_size and upload_max_filesize to $size'}");
private function toBytes($str){
$val = trim($str);
$last = strtolower($str[strlen($str)-1]);
switch($last) {
case 'g': $val *= 1024;
case 'm': $val *= 1024;
case 'k': $val *= 1024;
return $val;
* Returns array('success'=>true) or array('error'=>'error message')
function handleUpload($uploadDirectory, $replaceOldFile = FALSE){
foreach(explode("/",$uploadDirectory) as $val){
if (!is_writable($uploadDirectory)){
return array('error' => "Server error. Upload directory isn't writable.");
if (!$this->file){
return array('error' => 'No files were uploaded.');
$size = $this->file->getSize();
if ($size == 0) {
return array('error' => 'File is empty');
if ($size > $this->sizeLimit) {
return array('error' => 'File is too large');
$pathinfo = pathinfo($this->file->getName());
$filename = md5($pathinfo['filename'].mt_rand());
//$filename = md5(uniqid());
$ext = strtolower($pathinfo['extension']);
if($this->allowedExtensions && !in_array(strtolower($ext), $this->allowedExtensions)){
$these = implode(', ', $this->allowedExtensions);
return array('error' => 'File has an invalid extension, it should be one of '. $these . '.');
/// don't overwrite previous files that were uploaded
while (file_exists($uploadDirectory . $filename . '.' . $ext)) {
$filename .= rand(10, 99);
if ($this->file->save($uploadDirectory .'/'. $filename . '.' . $ext)){
global $sql_images;
$tmp=mysql_query("SELECT `order` FROM `$sql_images` WHERE `gid`='{$_REQUEST['fid']}' ORDER BY `order` DESC");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `$sql_images` (`order`,`gid`,`name`,`path`) VALUES ('$i','{$_REQUEST['fid']}','{$pathinfo['filename']}','$filename.$ext')");
$image = new SimpleImage();
return array('success'=>true,'fname'=>$filename.".".$ext,'name'=>$pathinfo['filename'],'id'=>mysql_insert_id());
} else {
return array('error'=> 'Could not save uploaded file.' .
'The upload was cancelled, or server error encountered');
// list of valid extensions, ex. array("jpeg", "xml", "bmp")
$allowedExtensions = array();
// max file size in bytes
$sizeLimit = 20*1024*1024;
$uploader = new qqFileUploader($allowedExtensions, $sizeLimit);
$result = $uploader->handleUpload($_REQUEST['url']);
// to pass data through iframe you will need to encode all html tags
echo htmlspecialchars(json_encode($result), ENT_NOQUOTES);
让我再说一遍,所有对 MySQL 的调用,带有 require() 的文件都是有效的。这些脚本可以在另外两台服务器上运行,但在这台服务器上不行。