我在一天中的大部分时间都在寻找解决方案,但我仍然一无所知。对于我的一个客户,我创建了一个简单的网络画廊来上传图片,我正在使用valums file uploader。到目前为止,我在创建的任何其他站点上都没有遇到任何问题,除了我前段时间解决的配置错误。


当我上传文件大小低于 260KB 的图像时,它可以正常工作。但是,当我上传更大的图像时,它不会让我返回任何错误。我只是得到一个空的缩略图,因为图像没有上传。

当我打开 Chrome 控制台时,我看到的是:

POST http://designflowstudio.com/gallery2/include/upload.php?url=uploads%2Fe558c4dfc2a0f0d60f5ebff474c97ffc&fid=7&qqfile=316267269718409738080100.jpg 403 (Forbidden) fileuploader.js:1463
POST http://designflowstudio.com/gallery2/include/upload.php?url=uploads%2Fe558c4dfc2a0f0d60f5ebff474c97ffc&fid=7&qqfile=3.jpg 403 (Forbidden) fileuploader.js:1463

在某些情况下,我收到 413 错误“请求实体太大”。

让我说这个问题真的让我很恼火,因为该脚本在我的本地 Web 服务器 (apache) 和我的 Web 服务器上运行良好。在这里,我可以上传尽可能大的图片,但在客户端的网络服务器上......

如果有人有时间并且愿意帮助我,这里是我用来调用值上传器的 JavaScript:

     function createUploader(){
 var uploader = new qq.FileUploaderBasic({
  debug: true,
  multiple: true,
  allowedExtensions: [<?php $tmp=".";foreach($allowedExt as $ext){$tmp.="'$ext', ";}echo substr($tmp,1,strlen($tmp)-3);?>],
  button: document.getElementById('uploadDiv'),
  action: '<?php echo$home;?>include/upload.php',
  sizeLimit: <?php echo$sizeLimit;?>,
  forceMultipart: true,
  params: {'url':'uploads/<?php echo$g['path'];?>','fid':'<?php echo$g['id'];?>'},
  onSubmit: function(id, fName){$('#upload-list').append('<div id="upload-list-'+id+'" class="gallery" rel="'+fName+'"><div class="progress'+id+'"></div>');$('.progress'+id).progressbar({value:0})},
  onProgress: function(id, fName, loaded, total){
   var p = 0;
   p = parseFloat(loaded/total*100);
   if(isNaN(p)) p = '';
  onComplete: function(id,fName,json){
    $('#upload-list-'+id).html(fName+'<br />'+json.error);
     .html('<img class="cmd" id="deleteImg" rel="'+json.id+'" src="<?php echo$home;?>images/delete.png" title="Delete picture" /><img class="img" src="<?php echo$home;?>uploads/<?php echo$g['path'];?>/th_'+json.fname+'" /><input class="ut" type="text" name="name" value="'+json.name+'" /><input class="ud" type="text" name="desc" /><div class="cl"></div>')
  onError: function(id,fName,error){
   console.log(id+' '+fName+' '+error);
window.onload = createUploader;

这是我用于服务器处理文件的 PHP:

ini_set("log_errors" , "1");
ini_set("error_log" , "php-errors-upload.log");
ini_set("display_errors" , "1");
 * Handle file uploads via XMLHttpRequest
class qqUploadedFileXhr {
     * Save the file to the specified path
     * @return boolean TRUE on success
    function save($path) {
        $input = fopen("php://input", "r");
        $temp = tmpfile();
        $realSize = stream_copy_to_stream($input, $temp);

        if ($realSize != $this->getSize()){
            return false;

        $target = fopen($path, "w");
        fseek($temp, 0, SEEK_SET);
        stream_copy_to_stream($temp, $target);

        return true;
    function getName() {
        return $_GET['qqfile'];
    function getSize() {
        if (isset($_SERVER["CONTENT_LENGTH"])){
            return (int)$_SERVER["CONTENT_LENGTH"];            
        } else {
            throw new Exception('Getting content length is not supported.');

 * Handle file uploads via regular form post (uses the $_FILES array)
class qqUploadedFileForm {
     * Save the file to the specified path
     * @return boolean TRUE on success
    function save($path) {
        if(!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['qqfile']['tmp_name'], $path)){
            return false;
        return true;
    function getName() {
        return $_FILES['qqfile']['name'];
    function getSize() {
        return $_FILES['qqfile']['size'];

class qqFileUploader {
    private $allowedExtensions = array();
    private $sizeLimit = 20485760;
    private $file;

    function __construct(array $allowedExtensions = array(), $sizeLimit = 20485760){
        $allowedExtensions = array_map("strtolower", $allowedExtensions);

        $this->allowedExtensions = $allowedExtensions;        
        $this->sizeLimit = $sizeLimit;


        if (isset($_GET['qqfile'])) {
            $this->file = new qqUploadedFileXhr();
        } elseif (isset($_FILES['qqfile'])) {
            $this->file = new qqUploadedFileForm();
        } else {
            $this->file = false;

    private function checkServerSettings(){        
        $postSize = $this->toBytes(ini_get('post_max_size'));
        $uploadSize = $this->toBytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));

        if ($postSize < $this->sizeLimit || $uploadSize < $this->sizeLimit){
            $size = max(1, $this->sizeLimit / 1024 / 1024) . 'M';             
            die("{'error':'increase post_max_size and upload_max_filesize to $size'}");    

    private function toBytes($str){
        $val = trim($str);
        $last = strtolower($str[strlen($str)-1]);
        switch($last) {
            case 'g': $val *= 1024;
            case 'm': $val *= 1024;
            case 'k': $val *= 1024;        
        return $val;

     * Returns array('success'=>true) or array('error'=>'error message')
    function handleUpload($uploadDirectory, $replaceOldFile = FALSE){
          foreach(explode("/",$uploadDirectory) as $val){

        if (!is_writable($uploadDirectory)){
            return array('error' => "Server error. Upload directory isn't writable.");

        if (!$this->file){
            return array('error' => 'No files were uploaded.');

        $size = $this->file->getSize();

        if ($size == 0) {
            return array('error' => 'File is empty');

        if ($size > $this->sizeLimit) {
            return array('error' => 'File is too large');

        $pathinfo = pathinfo($this->file->getName());
        $filename = md5($pathinfo['filename'].mt_rand());
        //$filename = md5(uniqid());
        $ext = strtolower($pathinfo['extension']);

        if($this->allowedExtensions && !in_array(strtolower($ext), $this->allowedExtensions)){
            $these = implode(', ', $this->allowedExtensions);
            return array('error' => 'File has an invalid extension, it should be one of '. $these . '.');

            /// don't overwrite previous files that were uploaded
            while (file_exists($uploadDirectory . $filename . '.' . $ext)) {
                $filename .= rand(10, 99);
        if ($this->file->save($uploadDirectory .'/'. $filename . '.' . $ext)){
            global $sql_images;
            $tmp=mysql_query("SELECT `order` FROM `$sql_images` WHERE `gid`='{$_REQUEST['fid']}' ORDER BY `order` DESC");
            mysql_query("INSERT INTO `$sql_images` (`order`,`gid`,`name`,`path`) VALUES ('$i','{$_REQUEST['fid']}','{$pathinfo['filename']}','$filename.$ext')");
            $image = new SimpleImage();
            return array('success'=>true,'fname'=>$filename.".".$ext,'name'=>$pathinfo['filename'],'id'=>mysql_insert_id());
        } else {
            return array('error'=> 'Could not save uploaded file.' .
                'The upload was cancelled, or server error encountered');

// list of valid extensions, ex. array("jpeg", "xml", "bmp")
$allowedExtensions = array();
// max file size in bytes
$sizeLimit = 20*1024*1024;

$uploader = new qqFileUploader($allowedExtensions, $sizeLimit);
$result = $uploader->handleUpload($_REQUEST['url']);
// to pass data through iframe you will need to encode all html tags
echo htmlspecialchars(json_encode($result), ENT_NOQUOTES);

让我再说一遍,所有对 MySQL 的调用,带有 require() 的文件都是有效的。这些脚本可以在另外两台服务器上运行,但在这台服务器上不行。



1 回答 1


You have some configuration issues on your server if it is choking due to the content-type header. Instead of commenting out this line, to work around this messed up server, you should perhaps try to set the forceMultipart option to true, assuming your server can handle multipart-encoded requests correctly. This all assumes you are using the 2.1-SNAPSHOT version of the uploader, as the option I mentioned first appeared in this version.

于 2012-10-10T13:51:20.957 回答