We have a system that sends money to our users via the PayPal MassPay API and it works fine, but here is the problem: I can't find a way to retrieve the status of the MassPay transaction through PayPal's API.

The first thing I looked into was using the PayPal 'GetTransactionDetails' API call, but that requires the transaction ID, which is not returned by the original PayPal MassPay API call. When a MassPay is issued, here is the PayPal response: https://gist.github.com/3860194

As you can see in the response, PayPal issues me a correlation ID, but no transaction ID. My next thought was to use the 'TransactionSearch' API call, but that does not accept a correlation ID either. I even tried doing a broad TransactionSearch based on the TransactionClass parameter ('MassPay') and StartDate, but the responses don't contain any information (email or correlation ID) that allows me to know for certain which search result is my original request.

Has anyone worked with PayPal's API to search/retrieve a transaction ID through the correlation ID?


3 回答 3


发送 MassPay 后是否正在监听 IPN(即时付款通知)?IPN 响应将包含您已发送的单笔付款的 PayPal 交易 ID。一旦您从 IPN 中获取 trxn ID,您应该能够调用 GetTransactionDetails API - 并获取当前状态。

请注意,IPN 还将包含发送 IPN 时的当前交易状态。

于 2012-10-12T00:06:40.593 回答

啊Mass Pay 的缺点是它只转到帐户上设置的IPN Url,即使通过API(NVP/Soap)发送Mass Pay 也不能自定义IPN Url

您可以使用 TransactionSearch 和 TransactionClass => MassPay 来查找批量付款的 TransactionId,然后从那里获取详细信息。

于 2014-07-19T09:06:18.233 回答

我有时会为我的 masspays 获得 IPN,上面写着




(假设我在这个集体工资中支付了 3 个人)

虽然我可以使用没有关联 ID 将此 IPN 与我提出的原始批量支付请求相匹配。我在我的系统中遇到了这些幻象付款,而贝宝从未发送给收件人。有没有人有任何建议将批量支付 API 调用的相关 ID 与整个批量支付与其中的个人交易的 NVP 匹配?

于 2016-02-22T22:04:10.873 回答