I've heard that there are some problems with Haskell's "broken" constraint system, as of GHC 7.6 and below. What's "wrong" with it? Is there a comparable existing system that overcomes those flaws?

For example, both edwardk and tekmo have run into trouble (e.g. this comment from tekmo).


2 回答 2




class MonadPlus m where
    mzero :: m a
    mplus :: m a -> m a -> m a


mzero `mplus` m = m

m `mplus` mzero = m

(m1 `mplus` m2) `mplus` m3 = m1 `mplus` (m2 `mplus` m3)


class Monoid a where
    mempty :: a
    mappend :: a -> a -> a

mempty `mplus` a = a

a `mplus` mempty = a

(a1 `mplus` a2) `mplus` a3 = a1 `mplus` (a2 `mplus` a3)

那么我们为什么还要MonadPlus上课呢?原因是因为 Haskell 禁止我们编写形式的约束:

(forall a . Monoid (m a)) => ...

因此 Haskell 程序员必须通过定义一个单独的类来处理这种特殊的多态情况来解决类型系统的这个缺陷。


(forall a' a b' b . Monad (p a a' b' b m)) => ...



data Compose t1 t2 m r = C (t1 (t2 m) r)

instance (MonadTrans t1, MonadTrans t2) => MonadTrans (Compose t1 t2) where
    lift = C . lift . lift

第一次尝试不起作用,因为lift不会将其结果限制为Monad. 我们实际上需要:

class (forall m . Monad m => Monad (t m)) => MonadTrans t where
    lift :: (Monad m) => m r -> t m r

...但是 Haskell 的约束系统不允许这样做。

随着 Haskell 用户转向更高种类的类型构造函数,这个问题将变得越来越明显。您通常会有以下形式的类型类:

class SomeClass someHigherKindedTypeConstructor where


class (SomeConstraint (someHigherKindedTypeConstructor a b c))
    => SomeClass someHigherKindedTypeConstructor where



于 2012-10-11T15:29:44.423 回答


Haskell 中约束和量化的正确表示法如下:

<functions-definition> ::= <functions> :: <quantified-type-expression>

<quantified-type-expression> ::= forall <type-variables-with-kinds> . (<constraints>) => <type-expression>

<type-expression> ::= <type-expression> -> <quantified-type-expression>
                    | ...


kinds 可以省略,forallrank-1 类型的 s 也可以省略:

<simply-quantified-type-expression> ::= (<constraints-that-uses-rank-1-type-variables>) => <type-expression>


{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}

msum :: forall m a. Monoid (m a) => [m a] -> m a
msum = mconcat

mfilter :: forall m a. (Monad m, Monoid (m a)) => (a -> Bool) -> m a -> m a
mfilter p ma = do { a <- ma; if p a then return a else mempty }

guard :: forall m. (Monad m, Monoid (m ())) => Bool -> m ()
guard True = return ()
guard False = mempty

或没有Rank2Types(因为我们这里只有 rank-1 类型),并使用CPP(j4f):


#define MonadPlus(m, a) (Monad m, Monoid (m a))

msum :: MonadPlus(m, a) => [m a] -> m a
msum = mconcat

mfilter :: MonadPlus(m, a) => (a -> Bool) -> m a -> m a
mfilter p ma = do { a <- ma; if p a then return a else mempty }

guard :: MonadPlus(m, ()) => Bool -> m ()
guard True = return ()
guard False = mempty


class (Monad m, Monoid (m a)) => MonadPlus m where


class forall m a. (Monad m, Monoid (m a)) => MonadPlus m where

也就是说,forall m a. (Monad m, Monoid (m a))可以用作独立约束,但不能使用新的类型的单参数类型类来别名*->*


class (constraints[a, b, c, d, e, ...]) => ClassName (a b c) (d e) ...

rhs端引入类型变量,而不是lhs 或foralllhs。

相反,我们需要编写 2 参数类型类:

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances #-}

class (Monad m, Monoid (m a)) => MonadPlus m a where
  mzero :: m a
  mzero = mempty
  mplus :: m a -> m a -> m a
  mplus = mappend

instance MonadPlus [] a
instance Monoid a => MonadPlus Maybe a

msum :: MonadPlus m a => [m a] -> m a
msum = mconcat

mfilter :: MonadPlus m a => (a -> Bool) -> m a -> m a
mfilter p ma = do { a <- ma; if p a then return a else mzero }

guard :: MonadPlus m () => Bool -> m ()
guard True = return ()
guard False = mzero



instance Monoid a => MonadPlus Maybe a

MonadPlus如果是单参数类型类可以写吗?MonadPlus Maybe来自base

instance MonadPlus Maybe where
   mzero = Nothing
   Nothing `mplus` ys  = ys
   xs      `mplus` _ys = xs

不像Monoid Maybe

instance Monoid a => Monoid (Maybe a) where
  mempty = Nothing
  Nothing `mappend` m = m
  m `mappend` Nothing = m
  Just m1 `mappend` Just m2 = Just (m1 `mappend` m2) -- < here

(Just [1,2] `mplus` Just [3,4]) `mplus` Just [5,6] => Just [1,2]
(Just [1,2] `mappend` Just [3,4]) `mappend` Just [5,6] => Just [1,2,3,4,5,6]

类似地,forall m a b n c d e. (Foo (m a b), Bar (n c d) e)如果我们想要*类型,则产生 (7 - 2 * 2)-parametric typeclass,类型产生 (7 - 2 * 1)-parametric typeclass,* -> *类型产生 (7 - 2 * 0) * -> * -> *

于 2012-10-11T19:43:12.820 回答