我收到以下三个cannot find symbol错误,我不知道为什么!

GrammerQueue.java:9: cannot find symbol
symbol  : constructor GrammerStructure()
location: class GrammerStructure
public class GrammerQueue extends GrammerStructure implements StringQueue{
GrammerQueue.java:45: cannot find symbol
symbol  : variable stack
location: class GrammerQueue
           this.stack += tmpAr[i];
GrammerQueue.java:47: cannot find symbol
symbol  : variable count
location: class GrammerQueue
3 errors



import java.lang.*;

public class GrammerQueue extends GrammerStructure implements StringQueue {

    private String queue = "";
    private String structName;

    // @override
    public boolean offer(String item) {
        if (item.length() == 0) // We don't accept empty Strings!
            return false;
        else if (this.queue.length() == 0) // If new queue, just add - no null.
            queue = item;
            // Append null and item for seperation.
            queue += "\0" + item;
        return true; // done.

    // @override
    public String[] asArray() {
        // Splits the string at each null character and returns it as an array.
        String[] array = this.queue.split("\0");
        return array;

    // @override
    public void GrammerStructure(String structureName) {
        this.structName = structureName;

    // @override
    public String take() throws EmptyException {
        // If empty, throw errors.
        if (this.queue.length() == 0)
            throw new EmptyException(structName);
        String[] tmpAr = this.asArray();
        // Empties the stac now that we have it in a temp array.
        this.queue = "";
        // FIFO, so exclude first element in reconstruction.
        for (int i = 1; i < tmpAr.length; i++)
            this.stack += tmpAr[i];
        // We made it this far without error, so reduce count.
        // Return the first item.
        return tmpAr[0];

    // @override
    public String peek() {
        // Empty string check.
        if (this.queue.length() == 0)
            return null;
        String[] tmpAr = this.asArray();
        // Return the first item.
        return tmpAr[0];

    // @override
    public int size() {
        if (this.queue.length() == 0)
            return 0;
        String[] tmpAr = this.asArray();
        return tmpAr.length;

    // @override
    public void clear() throws EmptyException {
        // If empty, throw errors.
        if (this.queue.length() == 0)
            throw new EmptyException(structName);
            this.queue = ""; // Empty now.

    public void main(String args[]) {}

2 回答 2


看起来你没有stackandcount变量。您需要声明和定义它们,并可能创建 getter 和 setter。

您需要为 GrammerStructure 导入一个包,假设 GrammerStructure 位于不同的包中。

于 2012-10-09T16:38:51.740 回答

GrammerQueue 扩展了 GrammerStructure,这是一个不存在的类 (AFAIK)。

于 2012-10-09T16:39:54.220 回答