我使用 VBA 在 excel 中编写一个函数,该函数将搜索列表以查找某些名称,当某些要查找的名称出现时计数,然后将这些计数器值输出到各个单元格。

当我有一个多单元函数时,如何将值分配给函数本身?我在同一列中选择了彼此相邻的 4 个单元格并按 CTRL-SHFT-ENTER 以获得多单元格函数我只是不知道如何将结果分配给该函数,以便它显示在选定的单元格中。到目前为止我所做的如下所示:

Function ROM(ByVal lookup_value As Range, _
ByVal lookup_column As Range, _
ByVal return_value_column As Long) As String 

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim i As Long
Dim resultCount As Long
Dim resultsArray() As String
Dim arraySize As Long
Dim myrange As Range
Dim results As String
Dim TSS As Long
Dim OSS As Long
Dim AWS As Long
Dim JLI As Long
Dim answers(1 To 3, 1 To 1) As Variant

' The following code works out how many matches there are for the lookup and creates an
' array of the same size to hold these results

Set myrange = lookup_column
arraySize = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(myrange, lookup_value.Value)
ReDim resultsArray(arraySize - 1)

' A counter for the results

resultCount = 0
TSS = 0
OSS = 0
AWS = 0
JLI = 0

' The equipment ID column is looped through and for every match the corresponding Equipment Type is
' saved into the resultsArray for analysis

For i = 1 To lookup_column.Rows.count
    If Len(lookup_column(i, 1).Text) <> 0 Then
        If lookup_column(i, 1).Text = lookup_value.Value Then

                ' If statement to ensure that the function doesnt cycle to a number larger than the
                ' size of resultsArray

                If (resultCount < (arraySize)) Then
                    resultsArray(resultCount) = (lookup_column(i).Offset(0, return_value_column).Text)
                    results = (lookup_column(i).Offset(0, return_value_column).Text)
                    resultCount = resultCount + 1
                        ' The following code compares the string to preset values and increments
                        ' the counters if any are found in the string

                        If (InStr(results, "TPWS TSS") > 0) Then
                            TSS = TSS + 1

                        ElseIf (InStr(results, "TPWS OSS")) Then
                            OSS = OSS + 1

                        ElseIf (InStr(results, "JUNCTION INDICATOR (1 Route)") > 0) Then
                            JLI = JLI + 1

                        ElseIf (InStr(results, "AWS")) Then
                            AWS = AWS + 1

                        End If

                 End If
        End If
    End If

 answers(1, 1) = TSS
 answers(1, 2) = OSS
 answers(1, 3) = AWS
 answers(1, 4) = 0

  ROM = answers    

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Function

当我尝试运行该功能时,它一直说答案的类型不匹配。为多单元格公式选择的单元格是 F18、G18、H18 和 I18。


3 回答 3


从 VBA 返回数组函数

  1. 您的函数必须是 Variant 类型
  2. 您的输出数组必须与所选范围相匹配 - 在您的情况下,它必须是一维的,而您正在标注二维数组


Function MyArray() As Variant
Dim Tmp(3) As Variant

    Tmp(0) = 1
    Tmp(1) = "XYZ"
    Tmp(2) = 3
    Tmp(3) = 4

    MyArray = Tmp

End Function

现在选择 F18..I18,输入 =MyArray() 并按 Ctrl+Shift+Enter


于 2012-10-09T16:18:18.813 回答

这可能因您使用的 Excel 版本而异。我正在使用 Office2003 套件,上面介绍的解决方案不适用于此版本的 Excel。

我发现您需要一个二维数组输出到 Excel,其中包含第二个维度中的值。

我将借用上面 MikeD 的示例并对其进行修改以在 Excel2003 中工作。

Function MyArray() As Variant
Dim Tmp() As Variant

redim Tmp(3,0) as Variant

Tmp(0,0) = 1
Tmp(1,0) = "XYZ"
Tmp(2,0) = 3
Tmp(3,0) = 4

MyArray = Tmp

End Function

请注意,您可以重新划分数组以使用动态输出,但在将函数插入 Excel 时,您必须选择足够大的范围以包含所有输出。

于 2013-02-11T16:46:16.057 回答

首先,您得到类型不匹配,因为您试图将结果分配给字符串。如果您分配给 Variant,您将避免该问题。


Dim answers(3) As Variant


Function ROM(ByVal lookup_value As Range, _
ByVal lookup_column As Range, _
ByVal return_value_column As Long) As Variant

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim i As Long
Dim resultCount As Long
Dim resultsArray() As String
Dim arraySize As Long
Dim myrange As Range
Dim results As String
Dim TSS As Long
Dim OSS As Long
Dim AWS As Long
Dim JLI As Long
Dim answers(3) As Variant

' The following code works out how many matches there are for the lookup and creates an
' array of the same size to hold these results

Set myrange = lookup_column
arraySize = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(myrange, lookup_value.Value)
ReDim resultsArray(arraySize - 1)

' A counter for the results

resultCount = 0
TSS = 0
OSS = 0
AWS = 0
JLI = 0

' The equipment ID column is looped through and for every match the corresponding Equipment Type is
' saved into the resultsArray for analysis

For i = 1 To lookup_column.Rows.Count
    If Len(lookup_column(i, 1).Text) <> 0 Then
        If lookup_column(i, 1).Text = lookup_value.Value Then

                ' If statement to ensure that the function doesnt cycle to a number larger than the
                ' size of resultsArray

                If (resultCount < (arraySize)) Then
                    resultsArray(resultCount) = (lookup_column(i).Offset(0, return_value_column).Text)
                    results = (lookup_column(i).Offset(0, return_value_column).Text)
                    resultCount = resultCount + 1
                        ' The following code compares the string to preset values and increments
                        ' the counters if any are found in the string

                        If (InStr(results, "TPWS TSS") > 0) Then
                            TSS = TSS + 1

                        ElseIf (InStr(results, "TPWS OSS")) Then
                            OSS = OSS + 1

                        ElseIf (InStr(results, "JUNCTION INDICATOR (1 Route)") > 0) Then
                            JLI = JLI + 1

                        ElseIf (InStr(results, "AWS")) Then
                            AWS = AWS + 1

                        End If

                 End If
        End If
    End If

 answers(0) = TSS
 answers(1) = OSS
 answers(2) = AWS
 answers(3) = 0

  ROM = answers

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Function
于 2012-10-09T16:22:47.897 回答