如果您使用的是 SLIME,您可以M-xslime-macroexpand-all
(SETQ X (CAR N)) ; save the first element in X, while declaring
; a special variable by that name
(SETQ N (CDR N)) ; set N to the second cons of the list
(< X 100) ; Useless, has no impact on your code
(SETQ N (CDR N)) ; set N to the third cons of the list
(IF (EQ X 2)
(RETURN-FROM NIL (EQ (CAR N) 12))) ; return from the innermost block NIL
; however, since there's no more code in the
; outermost block NIL, this will return from
; it too.
(SETQ X (1- X))) ; decrement value in X. It may happen so by
; chance that, if initially X was larger than 2
; the above condition will trigger
(GO #:G892))))