select x1.test, (select r from table) from ......
我将如何重构下面的 sql 代码以使其比以前运行得更快...
Select f.c1
,f.c3 As 'c3Id'
,p.Value As 'c3'
,m.c4 As 'r1'
,(Select SUM(t1.table1x)
From [ap].table1 t1
Where t1.table1x = 1
And f.c1 = t1.c1
And f.c2 = t1.c2
And f.c3 = t1.c3) As 'r2'
,(Select SUM(t2.x)
From [ap].table2 t2
Where t2.c1 = f.c1
And t2.c1 = f.c2
And t2.c3 = f.c3) As 'r3'
,(Select SUM(t1.table1x)
From [ap].table3 t3
Where t3.table3Turu = 2
And f.c1 = t3.c1
And f.c2 = t3.c2
And f.c3 = t3.c3) As 'r4'
,(Select SUM(t4.x)
From [ap].table4 t4
Where t4.c1 = f.c1
And t4.c1 = f.c2
And t4.c3 = f.c3) As 'r5'
From [ap].table1 f
Inner Join [dbo].table5 m On f.c1 = m.col11
Inner Join [dbo].table6 p On f.c3 = p.col22
Where p.xxxx = 'test'
Group By f.c1, f.c2, f.c3, m.c4, p.Value