import functools
import operator
L = list('abcd')
def foo(indexable):
return functools.partial(operator.__getitem__, indexable)
g = foo(L)
for i in xrange(len(L)):
print g(i),
def foo2(indexable):
return indexable.__getitem__
fastest to slowest *_test() function timings:
10,000 elements, 1,000 timeit calls, best of 3
foo2_test() : 1.46 (0.00 times slower)
lambda_test() : 4.15 (1.84 times slower)
foo_test() : 4.28 (1.93 times slower)
fastest to slowest *_test() function timings:
10,000 elements, 1,000 timeit calls, best of 3
foo2_test() : 13.03 (0.00 times slower)
foo_test() : 14.70 (0.13 times slower)
lambda_test() : 16.25 (0.25 times slower)
import functools
import operator
import timeit
import types
N = 1000
R = 3
SZ = 10000
SUFFIX = '_test'
def setup():
import random
global a_list
a_list = [random.randrange(100) for _ in xrange(SZ)]
def lambda_test():
global a_list
f = lambda i: a_list[i]
for i in xrange(len(a_list)): f(i)
def foo(indexable):
return functools.partial(operator.__getitem__, indexable)
def foo_test():
global a_list
g = foo(a_list)
for i in xrange(len(a_list)): g(i)
def foo2(indexable):
return indexable.__getitem__
def foo2_test():
global a_list
g = foo2(a_list)
for i in xrange(len(a_list)): g(i)
# find all the functions named *SUFFIX in the global namespace
funcs = tuple(value for id,value in globals().items()
if id.endswith(SUFFIX) and type(value) is types.FunctionType)
# run the timing tests and collect results
timings = [(f.func_name[:-SUFFIX_LEN],
min(timeit.repeat(f, setup=setup, repeat=R, number=N))
) for f in funcs]
timings.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) # sort by speed (ironic use of lambda?)
fastest = timings[0][1] # time fastest one took to run
longest = max(len(t[0]) for t in timings) # len of longest func name (w/o suffix)
print 'fastest to slowest *_test() function timings:\n' \
' {:,d} elements, {:,d} timeit calls, best of {:d}\n'.format(SZ, N, R)
def times_slower(speed, fastest):
return speed/fastest - 1.0
for i in timings:
print "{0:>{width}}{suffix}() : {1:.2f} ({2:.2f} times slower)".format(
i[0], i[1], times_slower(i[1], fastest), width=longest, suffix=SUFFIX)
def setup():
import random
global a_list
a_list = [random.randrange(100) for _ in xrange(SZ)]
def lambda_test():
global a_list
sorted(range(len(a_list)), key=lambda i:a_list[i])
def foo(indexable):
return functools.partial(operator.__getitem__, indexable)
def foo_test():
global a_list
sorted(range(len(a_list)), key=foo(a_list))
def foo2(indexable):
return indexable.__getitem__
def foo2_test():
global a_list
sorted(range(len(a_list)), key=foo2(a_list))