因此,在修补我自己构建的 MVC 框架时,我注意到一些看起来需要重构的东西。
$model = $this->model; // Shortcut to the model
$vaildator = $this->model->validator; // Shortcut to the Validator object in the model
$btnPressed = $this->model->btnPressed; // Shortcut to the btnPressed flag var in the model
<label for="firstName">First Name: <span class="<?php echo $model->setReq($_POST['firstName'], 'First name'); // Set the class of the span tag the holds the 'required' text ?>">(required)</span></label>
<input type="text" name="firstName" id="firstName" title="First name" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($btnPressed ? $_POST['firstName'] : 'First name'); // Echo the user's entry or the default text ?>" maxlength="50" />
<?php if($btnPressed) $vaildator->valName($_POST['firstName'], true, true, 'First name'); // Check for errors and display msg if error is found ?>
// If the field is empty or still contains the default text, highlight the 'required' error msg on the input field by changing the msg's class
// Note: used only for input fields that are required
public function setReq($postVar, $defaultText)
$className = 'required';
$className = $postVar == '' || $postVar == $defaultText ? 'reqError' : 'required';
return htmlspecialchars($className);
return htmlspecialchars($className);
我问的原因是因为将参数放在视图中的函数调用中会使视图看起来逻辑很重,但反过来做,访问模型中的 session/get/post 变量,似乎有点 hacky 并且会使代码不非常可重复使用。感谢您的任何建议!