I'm developing an android app. So far I've been testing everything on my Galaxy Nexus with android 4+. I've done all my programming with backwards compatibility in mind.

I'm very close to release, and want to make sure that it runs okay on API 9+. Since I don't have a real android 2.3 phone, I'm using the emulator.

Everything seems to work fine, but the layout is sometimes okay, and sometimes completely garbled!

enter image description here

The background is horrible, and TextViews are a lot of times missing. But sometimes they're okay for just a few moments before garbling up. How reliable is this emulator? Is this how it would really look if I ran it on a real machine? What can cause this?

EDIT: The layout in the screenshot is made up of 7 small ViewGroups containing ListViews. This is the code for the main background drawable (the blue-green-gray garbled one):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<bitmap xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    android:tileMode="repeat" />

EDIT2: I also noticed that when a transaction animation when switching fragments is played, the fragments look perfect for the duration of the animation, and then re-garble when it's done.

EDIT 3: My logcat seems to be flooded with the following error: 10-09 00:41:40.385: D/skia(327): SkGL unimplemented: stroke path

A few dozens of those. What should I do to fix this?



1 回答 1



我正在使用 actionbarsherlock;出于某种原因,我决定禁用样式中的操作栏,然后在活动中重新请求它。

通过从我的活动中的 onCreate() 方法中删除这一行,我能够解决问题: this.getWindow().requestFeature(Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR)

于 2012-10-09T01:19:26.933 回答