
HTML 文件:

<ul id="accountNavigation">
  <li><a href="#">Something</a></li>                    
  <li id="userNavigation">
    <img src="https://si0.twimg.com/profile_images/135460415/UAB_dragon_head_normal.png" alt=""/>
    <a href="#">Username</a>
    <div class="showme">
      <ul id="userNavigationSubMenu">


CSS 文件:

#accountNavigation{ list-style: none;float: right;height: 44px;}
#accountNavigation li{ float: left;color: #fff;height: 44px;}
#accountNavigation li:hover{ background: #ddd;cursor: pointer;}
#accountNavigation li a{ text-decoration: none;color: #fff;line-height: 44px;font-weight: bold;font-size: 13px;height: 44px;padding: 15px 27px 0 14px;outline: none;}
#accountNavigation li img{ position: absolute;top: 12px;left: 10px;width: 22px;height: 22px;}
#userNavigation{position: relative;}
#userNavigation a {padding-left: 38px !important;}

#userNavigation:hover .showme{display: inline;}
  display: none;
  width: 140px;
  height: 200px;
  background: #f5f5f5;
  margin: 0px auto;
  padding: 10px 5px 0px 5px;
  border: 1px solid #ddd;
  border-top: none;
  z-index: 10;
  position: absolute;
  top: auto;

#userNavigation ul { list-style: none;}



4 回答 4


只需使用>直接/直接后代组合器和 anid来指定您要定位的li(或)元素:ul

#accountNavigation { /* outer ul element */

#accountNavigation > li { /* outer ul element's children li */

#accountNavigation > li > ul { /* first 'inner' ul element */

#accountNavigation > li > ul > li { /* first 'inner' ul element's li children */


ul { /* targets all ul elements */
    /* general styles */
ul li { /* targets all li elements within a ul */
    /* general styles */
ul li ul { /* targets all ul elements within an li element, itself within a ul */
    /* overrule general 'outer' styles */
ul li ul li { /* targets all li elements within a ul element,
                 within an li element, itself within a ul...and so on */
    /* overrule general 'outer' styles */


    <li>This should be green!</li>
    <li>This is also green...
            <li>But this is not, it's, um...blue!</li>
            <li>And so on...</li>
    <li>This is green too, just because.</li>

下面的 CSS 应该展示它的用法:

ul li {
    color: green; /* the 'general'/'default' settings */
    margin-left: 10%;

ul li ul li {
    color: blue; /* this overrides the 'general' color setting */
                 /* the margin is not overridden however */

JS 小提琴演示


于 2012-10-08T18:29:06.697 回答

你试过 CSS 子选择器吗?

ul { /* parent list styles here */ }
ul > li > ul { /* child list styles here */ }
于 2012-10-08T18:29:33.400 回答

此处给出的解决方案将起作用,但输入过多。由于选择器在 CSS3 中的工作方式,因此可能会被简化,...</p>

/* list styles */

/* ordered lists */
ol { list-style-type: decimal;}
ol ol { list-style-type: upper-alpha;}
ol ol ol {list-style-type: upper-roman;}
ol ol ol ol {list-style-type: lower-alpha;}
ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type: lower-roman;}
ol ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type: lower-greek;}

/* set colours here */
ol li { color: darkblue; }
ol ol li { color: orange; }
ol ol ol li { color: darkgoldenrod; }
ol ol ol ol li { color: green; }
ol ol ol ol ol li { color: blue; }
ol ol ol ol ol ol li  { color: indigo; }

/* unordered lists */
ul { list-style: disc outside ;}
ul ul { list-style: square outside ;}
ul ul ul {list-style: circle outside ;}
ul ul ul ul {list-style: disc outside ;}
ul ul ul ul ul {list-style: square outside ;}
ul ul ul ul ul ul {list-style: circle outside ;}

/* set colours here */
ul li { color: darkblue; }
ul ul li { color: orange; }
ul ul ul li { color: darkgoldenrod; }
ul ul ul ul li { color: green; }
ul ul ul ul ul li { color: blue; }
ul ul ul ul ul ul li { color: indigo; }



/* unordered lists */
ul { 
   list-style-type: circle;
   color: red;
ul ul { 
   list-style-type: disc;
   color: orange;
ul ul ul {
   list-style-type: square;
   color: darkgoldenrod;



于 2019-10-29T22:01:45.893 回答

使用 ul li ul li {...}

ul li ul {....}为子列表赋予不同的样式。如果您正在寻找带有子菜单的导航菜单。


它使用 CSS3。

于 2012-10-08T19:15:57.357 回答