当我开始注意到人们正在使用它们时,我需要开始为我的图像添加水印。我真的不喜欢在图像上到处都有水印。我更喜欢 9gag 这样做的方式:https ://9gag.com/gag/352822
当我开始注意到人们正在使用它们时,我需要开始为我的图像添加水印。我真的不喜欢在图像上到处都有水印。我更喜欢 9gag 这样做的方式:https ://9gag.com/gag/352822
9Gag 所做的事情很容易颠覆它是微不足道的。我需要做的就是裁剪图像并移除底部,瞧,图像是免费的“水印”(它不是真正的水印,将其称为符合 OP 的定义)。
水印图像示例: http ://s.we.lc/UNGZeT
The example you provided has extra space at the bottom of the image file (the actual .jpg), which contains the site's URL. When the image is displayed on the page, it's container is shrunk so that the extra part of the URL isn't actually shown.
To replicate this, you would need to edit each of your images to add the extra info, and then re-style your images to display in a slightly smaller box.
div {margin: 25px 0 0;}
div:first-child {height: 150px; overflow: hidden; margin: 0;}