我正在使用PHP 5.2.x并希望仅使用私有成员对我的自定义 PHP 类的对象进行编码。其中一个私有成员是另一个自定义类的对象数组。

我尝试了https://stackoverflow.com/a/7005915/17716中概述的解决方案,但这显然不能递归工作。我能看到的唯一解决方案是以某种方式扩展 json_encode 方法,以便调用 json_encode 方法的类版本而不是默认方法。


Class A {
    private $x;
    private $y;
    private $z;
    private $xy;
    private $yz;
    private $zx;

    public function f1() {

    public function f2() {
    public function getJSONEncode() {
         return json_encode(get_object_vars($this));

class B {

    private $p; //This finally stores objects of class A
    private $q;
    private $r;

    public function __construct() {
            $this->p = array();

    public function fn1() {

    public function fn2() {


    public function getJSONEncode() {
         return json_encode(get_object_vars($this));


class C {

    private $arr;

    public function __construct() {
            $this->arr = array();

    public function fillData($data) {
        $obj = new B();
        //create objects of class B and fill in values for all variables
        array_push($this->arr, $obj)

    public function returnData() {
          echo $this->arr[0]->getJSONEncode(); //Edited to add



实现这种嵌套 json 编码的最佳方法是什么?


执行 returnData 方法时得到的输出是:

{"p":[{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}],"q":"Lorem Ipsum","r":"Dolor Sit Amet"}

1 回答 1


虽然我相信你最好为你的每个类编写一个适当的导出/编码函数(它会从私有和公共值构造一个公共对象只是为了编码 - 你可能非常聪明并使用 php 的反射能力) - 相反- 您可以使用以下代码:

/// example class B
class TestB {
  private $value = 123;

/// example class A
class TestA {
  private $prop;
  public function __construct(){
    $this->prop = new TestB();

function json_encode_private($obj){
  /// export the variable to find the privates
  $exp = var_export($obj, true);
  /// get rid of the __set_state that only works 5.1+
  $exp = preg_replace('/[a-z0-9_]+\:\:__set_state\(/i','((object)', $exp);
  /// rebuild the object
  eval('$enc = json_encode('.$exp.');');
  /// return the encoded value
  return $enc;

echo json_encode_private(new TestA());

/// {"prop":{"value":123}}

所以上面应该可以工作,但我不建议eval在 php 中的任何地方使用 - 只是因为我总是在远处安静地听到警铃:)



function json_encode_private($obj){
  $exp = var_export($obj, true);
  $exp = preg_replace('/[a-z0-9_]+\:\:__set_state\(/i','((object)', $exp);
  $enc = create_function('','return json_encode('.$exp.');');
  return $enc();

更新 2

有机会尝试另一种将具有私有属性的对象转换为具有公共属性的对象的方法 - 仅使用一个简单的函数(并且没有 eval)。以下内容需要在您使用的任何版本的 PHP 上进行测试,因为它的行为 - 再次 - 可能不可靠......由于转换后的私有属性中的奇怪前缀(参见代码中的注释)\0Class Name\0



class RandomClass {
  private $var = 123;
  private $obj;
  public function __construct(){
    $this->obj = (object) null;
    $this->obj->time = time();


function private_to_public( $a ){
  /// grab our class, convert our object to array, build our return obj
  $c = get_class( $a ); $b = (array) $a; $d = (object) null;
  /// step each property in the array and move over to the object
  /// usually this would be as simple as casting to an object, however
  /// my version of php (5.3) seems to do strange things to private 
  /// properties when casting to an array... hence the code below:
  foreach( $b as $k => $v ){
    /// for some reason private methods are prefixed with a \0 character
    /// and then the classname, followed by \0 before the actual key value. 
    /// This must be some kind of internal protection causing private  
    /// properties to be ignored. \0 is used by some languges to terminate  
    /// strings (not php though, as far as i'm aware).
    if ( ord($k{0}) === 0 ) {
      /// trim off the prefixed weirdnesss..?!
      $e = substr($k, 1 + strlen($c) + 1);
      /// unset the $k var first because it will remember the \0 even 
      /// if other values are assigned to it later on....?!
      unset($k); $k = $e;
    /// so if we have a key, either public or private - set our value on
    /// the destination object.
    if ( $k !== '' && $k !== NULL && $k !== FALSE )  {
      $d->{$k} = $v;
  return $d;


$a = new RandomClass();

echo json_encode( private_to_public( $a ) );

/// {"var":123,"obj":{"time":1349777323}}

同样,您最好/最可靠的选择是为每个类定制您的转换方法,或者使用Class Reflection创建某种通用解决方案,但后者比 StackOverflow 答案更复杂,更复杂......至少与我有多少空闲时间;)



echo json_encode( get_object_vars($a) );

/// you will get {} which isn't what you expect


public function getAllProperties(){
  return get_object_vars( $this );

所以,想象一下我们将上面的内容添加到 RandomClass 定义中:

echo json_encode( $a->getAllProperties() );

/// you will get {"var":123,"obj":{"time":1349777323}}


于 2012-10-08T17:55:23.183 回答