我想将我的 php 代码转换为 python 代码。可能吗

$secret = 'segredo'; // To make the hash more difficult to reproduce.
$path   = '/p/files/top_secret.pdf'; // This is the file to send to the user.
$expire = 1096891200; // At which point in time the file should expire. time() + x; would be the usual usage.
$md5 = base64_encode(md5($secret . $path . $expire, true)); // Using binary hashing.`$md5 = strtr($md5, '+/', '-_'); // + and / are considered special characters in URLs, see the wikipedia page linked in references.
$md5 = str_replace('=', '', $md5); // When used in query parameters the base64 padding character is considered special.

我想将上面的 php 代码转换为 python。是否存在一些转换工具?

此代码是 nginx HttpSecureLinkModule 的简单唯一 url 生成器。


1 回答 1

import hashlib
secret, path, expire = 'segredo', '/p/files/top_secret.pdf', 1096891200
md5 = hashlib.md5(secret + path + str(expire)).digest().encode('base64').strip('\n=')
于 2012-10-08T14:05:48.323 回答