当出现问题时,我使用此代码发送自动错误消息,它工作正常,但它的行为有点有趣。我从这个 SO question得到了代码。
- (void)sendEmailWithMail:(NSString *) toAddress withSubject:(NSString *) subject Attachments:(NSArray *) attachments {
NSString *bodyText = @"Your body text \n\r";
NSString *emailString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\
tell application \"Mail\"\n\
set newMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:\"%@\", content:\"%@\" & return} \n\
tell newMessage\n\
set visible to false\n\
set sender to \"%@\"\n\
make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {name:\"%@\", address:\"%@\"}\n\
tell content\n\
",subject, bodyText, @"McAlarm alert", @"McAlarm User", toAddress ];
//add attachments to script
for (NSString *alarmPhoto in attachments) {
emailString = [emailString stringByAppendingFormat:@"make new attachment with properties {file name:\"%@\"} at after the last paragraph\n\
//finish script
emailString = [emailString stringByAppendingFormat:@"\
end tell\n\
end tell\n\
end tell"];
NSAppleScript *emailScript = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource:emailString];
[emailScript executeAndReturnError:nil];
[emailScript release];
/* send the message */
NSLog(@"Message passed to Mail");