标准 SEO 警告:这是一个黑匣子,算法是专有的,试图预测和玩弄搜索引擎是一种糟糕的谋生方式。

也就是说,您要采取哪些基本步骤来确保您的内容对主要搜索引擎(Google、Bing 等)可见?

我特别好奇您的 URI 信息架构所扮演的角色。您希望在 URI 中使用关键字,并且希望避免使用查询字符串加载方法,这是常识,但除此之外还有什么?

我正在谈论的一个简单的例子。根据我在论坛上阅读的内容,我最近在我的网站上公开了 /category/* 层次结构。在接下来的几周里,我注意到我的页面浏览量急剧上升。

我很好奇网站/博客应该对其 URI 采取哪些其他基本步骤来确保基线可见性。


3 回答 3



  1. 有意义且准确的元字段(尤其是描述、关键字)

  2. 每个页面上的有效 hn 层次结构(例如 h1 h2 h3 h2 h2 h3 h3 h4 h3 h2)

  3. 文本浏览器可访问的所有(文本)内容

  4. 检查拼写

  5. 保持内容和显示功能分离(例如完全使用 HTML 和 CSS)

  6. 验证 CSS 和 (X)HTML 并使用标准 DOCTYPES

  7. <title>每个页面相关

  8. 合理的站点层次结构,没有孤立页面

于 2009-08-14T14:32:38.283 回答

一些让我排名靠前的 URI 技巧:

  • 用英语编写 URI,但要包含唯一 ID。SO做得很好:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1278157/seo-and-uri-structure
  • 链接到页面时保持一致:domain.com/domain.com/indexdomain.com/index.php不同的 URI
  • 使用.html扩展名,或纯粹/one/two/的页面目录

There's probably hundreds of other tips! The structure of linking plays a very important role too...

  • Logically break your site down into many categories/subcategories
  • Link all pages back to your homepage
  • Don't link to hundreds of pages from your homepage

EDIT: Oh I forgot a very important one - a proper 404 response!

Hopefully that helps a bit

于 2009-08-14T14:34:30.260 回答

1) Don't use www subdomain if you do not have to. If you or your company has made the mistake of using subdomains for asset management then you likely forced into using www just to be safe.

2) The biggest problem faced by search engines is redundant URIs for the same page. This problem is solved by using a canonical link tag in your HTML. This will perhaps help you more than any other single SEO factor.

3) Make your URIs meaningful. If people can remember URIs well enough to type them out your SEO will be significantly improved.

The most important factors with URIs is easy to remember and the ability to specify uniqueness to the search engine. Nothing else matters with regard to URIs and SEO.

于 2009-09-19T08:57:06.817 回答