Using IntelliJ to edit a Spring Beans file, I am using a properties file to define some of the values of the beans.

In IntelliJ, when you open the bean file all of the properties are displaying their values (in grey). When you edit this, it then displays the property name.

To get the value back, you have to close and then re-open the file

Is there another way to switch between the property name and value in an XML bean file other than closing and re-opening the file?


1 回答 1


IDEA 试图在这里提供帮助,向您展示属性占位符(“ ${foo.bar} ”)引用的实际值。


  1. 双击值
  2. 将插入符号放在值上,然后按Ctrl-Plus
于 2012-10-19T20:03:16.910 回答