Ok, I was trying to implement memmove just as a programming exercise, and I get a memory access violation in the memmove function when I try to use malloc. Here is the function:


void* MYmemmove (void* destination, const void* source, size_t num) { 

    int* midbuf = (int *) malloc(num); // This is where the access violation happens.
    int* refdes = (int *) destination; // A pointer to destination, except it is casted to int*
    int* refsrc = (int *) source; // Same, except with source
    for (int i = 0;num >= i;i++) { 
        midbuf[i] = *(refsrc + i); // Copy source to midbuf
    for (int i = 0;num >= i;i++) { 
        refdes[i] = *(midbuf + i); // Copy midbuf to destination
    free(midbuf); // free midbuf 
    refdes = NULL; // Make refdes not point to destination anymore
    refsrc = NULL; // Make refsrc not point to source anymore
    return destination;

By the way, I am sort of a newbie to pointers, so don't be suprised if there is some mistakes. What am I doing wrong?


7 回答 7


请注意其他建议!答案取决于您的 memmove 将如何使用。其他答案表明您应该更改 malloc 调用以考虑 int 的大小。但是,如果您的 memmove 函数将用于表示“移动此字节数”,那么实现将是错误的。我会改为使用 char* ,因为它可以一次性解决几个问题。

此外,anint通常为 4 个字节,char通常为 1 个字节。如果void*您收到的地址不是字对齐的(不是 4 字节的倍数),您将遇到问题:要复制一个非字对齐的 int,您将不得不进行多次读取和昂贵的位掩码。这是低效的。

最后,内存访问冲突发生了,因为您每次都在增加 midbufint指针,并且一次向前移动4 个字节。但是,您只分配了 num bytes,因此最终会尝试访问超出分配区域的末尾。

/** Moves num bytes(!) from source to destination */
void* MYmemmove (void* destination, const void* source, size_t num) { 

    // transfer buffer to account for memory aliasing
    // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliasing_%28computing%29
    char * midbuf = (char *) malloc(num); // malloc allocates in bytes(!)
    char * refdes = (char *) destination;
    char * refsrc = (char *) source;

    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { 
        midbuf[i] = *(refsrc + i); // Copy source to midbuf

    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { 
        refdes[i] = *(midbuf + i); // Copy midbuf to destination

    free(midbuf); // free midbuf
    // no need to set the pointers to NULL here.
    return destination;

通过逐字节复制,我们避免了对齐问题,以及 num 本身可能不是 4 个字节的倍数的情况(例如 3,因此 int 对于该移动来说太大了)。

于 2012-10-07T18:01:56.753 回答

Replace the string with malloc with this one:

int* midbuf = (int *) malloc(num*sizeof(int)); 

The problem is that you allocated not num elements of int but num bytes.

于 2012-10-07T17:54:05.703 回答
int* midbuf = (int *) malloc(num); // This is where the access violation happens.
int* refdes = (int *) destination; // A pointer to destination, except it is casted to int*
int* refsrc = (int *) source; // Same, except with source
for (int i = 0;num >= i;i++) { 
    midbuf[i] = *(refsrc + i); // Copy source to midbuf

You malloc only num bytes, but in the loop, you try to copy num ints. Since an int usually takes more than one byte, you're accessing out of bounds.

于 2012-10-07T17:54:26.490 回答

memory access violation?

You are trying to access memory you are not entitled to access. Maybe you have a null pointer or the pointer is pointing into another program or the code segment.

于 2012-10-07T17:54:04.523 回答

The problem is that you're mallocing num bytes into midbuf, and then copying num ints into it. Since an int is larger than a byte on most platforms, you have a problem. Change your malloc to num*sizeof(int) and you won't have that problem.

于 2012-10-07T17:55:00.933 回答


1. 内存空间


    int* midbuf = (int *) malloc(num * sizeof(int));

malloc是基于字节的,将分配num个字节。int *是指向 的指针ints。意思midbuf[x]是将从中访问内存midbuf + sizeof(int)*x。您想分配num ints(int 的大小取决于体系结构,通常为 4 或 2 个字节)。因此malloc(num * sizeof(int)).


    for (int i = 0;num > i;i++) { 

在 C(和 C++)中,数组是从 0 开始的,即第一个索引是0. 你做对了。但这也意味着如果你保留num ints,可用的索引将是 from 0to num-1。在您的循环中,由于 condition 的原因,i它将从0to变化,这意味着您将访问项目。所以(或)会是一个更好的条件。numnum >= inum+1num > ii < numfor

于 2012-10-07T18:06:33.897 回答
#include <stdlib.h>  // did you included this?

void* MYmemmove (void* destination, const void* source, size_t num) { 

    char *Source = source, *Destination = destination;
    char *Middle = malloc( sizeof(char) * num );    // midbuf

    for (int i = 0; i < num ; i++) { 
        Middle[i] = Destination[i]; // Copy source to midbuf
    for (int i = 0; i < num ; i++) { 
        Destination[i] = Middle[i]; // Copy midbuf to destination

    free(Middle);                   // free memory allocated previously with malloc
    return destination;

可能会发生访问冲突,因为您没有包含 malloc 所需的库(如果您忘记了函数定义,标准 c 不会在您的脸上抛出错误)。您不需要将指针标记为 NULL,因为 C 中没有垃圾收集(指针就是这样 - 指针。指向内存中某个点的地址,而不是内存本身)。


指针地址 0x1243 0x4221 目的地 -> {某种数据}

Destination = 0x1243 *Destination = 当前地址 0x4221 处的任何值

您也不能索引 void 指针。您必须首先将它们转换为某种类型,以便编译器知道它们需要多少偏移量。

目的地[x] = *(目的地+x)

char 是 1 个字节,所以 char 指针实际上会移动 x 个字节,但 int 是 4 个字节,而 int 指针将移动 4*x 个字节。如果这听起来很技术性,请不要太担心,当您达到非常低的水平时,它会很重要;)

于 2012-10-07T18:01:53.697 回答