I am not able to overlap a DIV over Embedded Text file in IE-8. This works in IE-9, Firefox. I have tried using WMODE-Transaprent,Opaque and Z-Index properties.

Following is my code.

<object data="abc.txt" type="text/html" width="300" height="200" > </object>

<div id="div1" style=" background:green; position:absolute; width:100%; height:100%; top:0px; left:0px; filter:alpha(opacity=50)"></div>

If I try to embed a .WAV or .SWF file, the DIV is overlayed in IE-8, but the same does not happen with text/html.

Null-able foreign key; Entity Framework 5.0 model-first

I'm using Entity Framework 5.0 model-first approach using Visual Studio 2012 Express. I have a scenario to generate a nullable foreign key. For example, there are two entities – Organization and User. Not all users will belong to an organization. However, some users would belong to an organization. The User.Organization_ID column is always not null in spite of changing the multiplicity. Please help me to resolve this issue. Appreciate it.


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