我已经安装了 Java x64、Eclipse Classic Juno x64 + ADT 插件。操作系统赢 7 x64。我按照手册安装了所有东西。然后创建第一个应用程序并启动它。模拟器已启动,但 hello world 应用程序未启动。我不知道我做错了什么。有谁知道这样的错误和我的整体问题?谢谢

Console log:
[2012-10-06 13:35:42 - test] ------------------------------
[2012-10-06 13:35:42 - test] Android Launch!
[2012-10-06 13:35:42 - test] adb is running normally.
[2012-10-06 13:35:42 - test] Performing com.example.test.MainActivity activity launch
[2012-10-06 13:35:42 - test] Automatic Target Mode: launching new emulator with compatible AVD 'AVD_41'
[2012-10-06 13:35:42 - test] Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'AVD_41'
[2012-10-06 13:35:42 - Emulator] Failed to create Context 0x3005
[2012-10-06 13:35:42 - Emulator] emulator: WARNING: Could not initialize OpenglES emulation, using software renderer.
[2012-10-06 13:35:42 - Emulator] WARNING: Data partition already in use. Changes will not persist!
[2012-10-06 13:35:42 - Emulator] WARNING: SD Card image already in use: C:\Users\Zewisa\.android\avd\AVD_41.avd/sdcard.img
[2012-10-06 13:35:42 - Emulator] WARNING: Cache partition already in use. Changes will not persist!
[2012-10-06 13:35:42 - Emulator] could not get wglGetExtensionsStringARB
[2012-10-06 13:35:42 - Emulator] could not get wglGetExtensionsStringARB
[2012-10-06 13:35:42 - Emulator] could not get wglGetExtensionsStringARB
[2012-10-06 13:35:42 - Emulator] could not get wglGetExtensionsStringARB
[2012-10-06 13:35:42 - Emulator] could not get wglGetExtensionsStringARB
[2012-10-06 13:35:42 - Emulator] could not get wglGetExtensionsStringARB
[2012-10-06 13:35:42 - Emulator] could not get wglGetExtensionsStringARB
[2012-10-06 13:35:42 - Emulator] could not get wglGetExtensionsStringARB
[2012-10-06 13:35:42 - Emulator] emulator: warning: opening audio input failed
[2012-10-06 13:35:42 - Emulator] 






2 回答 2



于 2012-10-07T09:47:17.430 回答

我发现了错误,当它启动运行的应用程序并运行 hello world 时,我杀死了进程 adb.exe,而不是从 AVD Manager 启动模拟器,谢谢大家

于 2012-10-21T16:05:25.347 回答