免责声明:我是 ac# ASP.NET 开发人员,正在学习“RoR”。抱歉,如果这个问题没有“得到” RoR,任何更正都非常感谢!


我对 Web 应用程序中的“多线程”能力的理解是双重的:

  1. 每次 web/app 服务器接收到请求时,它都可以为新请求分配一个线程,从而可以同时运行多个请求。
  2. 应用程序运行时 + 语言允许在单个请求中使用多个线程(例如,在 ASP.NET 中通过“异步”方法和关键字)。

这样,IIS7 + ASP.NET 可以做到点 1 和 2。

我对 RoR 感到困惑



我想我理解 RoR 不太适合上面的第 2 点,也就是说,在同一个请求中有多个线程,我说对了吗?


为了清楚起见,RoR 应用程序/Web 服务器也可以做右上方的第 1 点(即多个请求可以同时运行)?RoR 并非总是如此吗?


3 回答 3


问题 1: 如果需要,您可以在一个请求中生成更多 Ruby 线程,尽管这似乎超出了 Rails 的典型用例。它可用于某些长时间运行的 IO 或外部操作。

问题 2: Ruby 并发的限制因素通常是Global Interpreter Lock. Ruby 的这一特性可防止每个进程在任何给定时间执行超过 1 个 Ruby 线程。只要有非 Ruby 代码执行,例如等待磁盘 IO 或 SQL 响应,就会释放锁。您可以通过使用与默认不同的 Ruby 实现来解决这个问题,例如 JRuby,但不是全部。


这个来自 Ruby MidWest 2011 的演讲有一些关于让多线程 Ruby on Rails 运行的好想法。

于 2012-10-08T02:53:23.077 回答

Since this is about "from ASP.NET to RoR" there is another small but important detail to remember: In *nix environments it's common to achieve concurrency of a service application through multi-processing rather than multi-threading. This is an architecture that goes way back and is related to the relatively cheap cost of multi-processing on *nix systems using fork and Copy-on-Write. Each process serves one request at a time in a single thread and the main process controls spawning and killing worker child processes. Multiple requests are served concurrently by different child processes.

Modern service applications, for example Apache, have multi-process, multi-threaded, and even combined modes (where the service forks several processes, each running several threads).

In cases where the application was built with portability at mind (examples again: Apache, MySQL, etc) it is customary to run it in multi-process or combined mode on *nix systems, and in multi-threaded mode on Windows servers.

However, admittedly Rails is somewhat lacking on the Windows front. It's not that you can't run it on Windows, it's just that not a lot of effort went into making sure it runs well and smoothly for production use on Windows servers. It's not a common production platform among the RoR community.

As a result, Eventhough Rails itself is thread-safe since version 2.2, there isn't yet a good multi-threaded server for it on Windows servers. And you get the best results by running it on *nix servers using multi-process/single-threaded concurrency model.

于 2014-03-21T12:10:05.010 回答

Rails 作为一个框架是线程安全的。所以,答案是肯定的!

您在此处发布的第二个链接列出了许多在多线程方面表现不佳的 Rails 服务器。他后来提到 nginx 是要走的路(它绝对是最受欢迎的,强烈推荐)。但他没有提到是什么让他得出这个结论。Ruby 1.9.3 最近出现了,并且内置了一些以前不存在的新线程优点。


我很想对此进行更多探索。所以,如果你能描述你想要达到的目标,那么也许我们可以做一个 POC。

于 2012-10-07T15:52:24.013 回答