我想让以下代码线程安全。不幸的是,我尝试在此代码中的各个级别进行锁定,但没有成功。我似乎可以实现线程安全的唯一实例是在整个循环周围放置一个锁,这有效地使 Parallel.ForEach 不会比仅使用 foreach 更快(甚至可能更慢)。该代码相对/几乎安全,没有锁定。在大约每 20 次左右的执行中,geneTokens.Value[-1] 键和 gtCandidates.Value[-1] 键的总和似乎只显示出细微的变化。

我意识到 Dictionary 不是线程安全的。但是,我不能将此特定对象更改为 ConcurrentDictionary 而不会对下游的性能造成重大影响。我宁愿使用常规 foreach 运行这部分代码,也不愿更改该特定对象。但是,我使用 ConcurrentDictionary 来保存各个 Dictionary 对象。我也尝试过进行此更改,但它并没有解决我的种族问题。


//Holds all tokens derived from each sequence chunk
public static ConcurrentBag<sequenceItem> tokenBag = 
  new ConcurrentBag<sequenceItem>();
public BlockingCollection<sequenceItem> sequenceTokens = new 
public ConcurrentDictionary<string, int> categories = new 
  ConcurrentDictionary<string, int>();
public ConcurrentDictionary<int, Dictionary<int, int>> gtStartingFrequencies = new 
  ConcurrentDictionary<int, Dictionary<int, int>>();
public ConcurrentDictionary<string, Dictionary<int, int>> gtCandidates = new 
  ConcurrentDictionary<string, Dictionary<int, int>>();
public ConcurrentDictionary<string, Dictionary<int, int>> geneTokens = new 
  ConcurrentDictionary<string, Dictionary<int, int>>();

这是 Parallel.ForEach:

Parallel.ForEach(sequenceTokens.GetConsumingEnumerable(), seqToken =>
  lock (locker)
    //Check to see if the Sequence Token is a Gene Token
    Dictionary<int, int> geneTokenFreqs;
    if (geneTokens.TryGetValue(seqToken.text, out geneTokenFreqs))
    { //The Sequence Token is a Gene Token 

      *****************Race Issue Seems To Occur Here**************************** 
      //Increment or create category frequencies for each category provided
      int frequency;
      foreach (int category in seqToken.categories)
        if (geneTokenFreqs.TryGetValue(category, out frequency))
        {   //increment the category frequency, if it already exists
            geneTokenFreqs[category] = frequency;
        {   //Create the category frequency, if it does not exist
            geneTokenFreqs.Add(category, 1);

      //Update the frequencies total [-1] by the total # of categories incremented.
      geneTokenFreqs[-1] += seqToken.categories.Length;
    { //The Sequence Token is NOT yet a Gene Token
      //Check to see if the Sequence Token is a Gene Token Candidate yet
      Dictionary<int, int> candidateTokenFreqs;
      if (gtCandidates.TryGetValue(seqToken.text, out candidateTokenFreqs))
        *****************Race Issue Seems To Occur Here****************************
        //Increment or create category frequencies for each category provided
        int frequency;
        foreach (int category in seqToken.categories)
          if (candidateTokenFreqs.TryGetValue(category, out frequency))
          { //increment the category frequency, if it already exists
            candidateTokenFreqs[category] = frequency;
          { //Create the category frequency, if it does not exist
            candidateTokenFreqs.Add(category, 1);

        //Update the frequencies total [-1] by the total # of categories incremented.
        candidateTokenFreqs[-1] += seqToken.categories.Length;

        //Only update the candidate sequence count once per sequence
        if (candidateTokenFreqs[-3] != seqToken.sequenceId)
          candidateTokenFreqs[-3] = seqToken.sequenceId;

          //Promote the Token Candidate to a Gene Token, if it has been found >=
          //the user defined candidateThreshold
          if (candidateTokenFreqs[-2] >= candidateThreshold)
            Dictionary<int, int> deletedCandidate;
            gtCandidates.TryRemove(seqToken.text, out deletedCandidate);
            geneTokens.TryAdd(seqToken.text, candidateTokenFreqs);
        //create a new token candidate frequencies dictionary by making 
        //a copy of the default dictionary from
        gtCandidates.TryAdd(seqToken.text, new 
          Dictionary<int, int>(gtStartingFrequencies[seqToken.sequenceId]));

2 回答 2



geneTokens.TryAdd(seqToken.text, candidateTokenFreqs);


if (geneTokens.TryGetValue(seqToken.text, out geneTokenFreqs))
于 2012-10-07T06:15:16.820 回答




1) 声明并发字典 2) 使用 TryADD 方法添加标志 3) 尝试使用 TryGet 方法检索平面。

1) 声明

  Dim cd As ConcurrentDictionary(Of Integer, [String]) = New ConcurrentDictionary(Of Integer, String)()


If cd.TryAdd(1, "uno") Then
        Console.WriteLine("CD.TryAdd() succeeded when it should have failed")
        numFailures += 1
    End If 

3) 检索

 If cd.TryGetValue(1, "uno") Then
        Console.WriteLine("CD.TryAdd() succeeded when it should have failed")
        numFailures += 1
    End If 
于 2014-01-06T14:54:23.660 回答