// Act if the game is over because of that move
if ([board playerHasWon:activePlayer]) {
board.canMove = NO;
match = [CNFTurnBasedMatchHelper sharedInstance].currentMatch;
NSUInteger currentIndex = [match.participants indexOfObject:match.currentParticipant];
NSUInteger nextIndex = (currentIndex == 0 ? 1 : 0);
GKTurnBasedParticipant *nextParticipant = [match.participants objectAtIndex:nextIndex];
match.currentParticipant.matchOutcome = GKTurnBasedMatchOutcomeWon;
nextParticipant.matchOutcome = GKTurnBasedMatchOutcomeLost;
[match endMatchInTurnWithMatchData:[[board stringValue] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] completionHandler:nil];
但是,我怀疑真正的问题在于我对 matchOutcome 的检索。
if (match.status == GKTurnBasedMatchStatusEnded) {
// These lines get the board to show the winning line
[board playerHasWon:1];
[board playerHasWon:2];
board.canMove = NO;
if (match.currentParticipant.matchOutcome == GKTurnBasedMatchOutcomeWon) statusLabel.text = @"You won!";
else statusLabel.text = @"You lost!";