我正在关注“使用 yii 1.1 和 php5 进行敏捷 Web 应用程序开发”一书,并且我正在使用固定装置进行测试部分。我遵循了他们的代码,但我无法访问夹具...

在使用 PHPunit 配置夹具后,我正在第 6 章运行单元测试,它返回给我这个

Last login: Sat Oct  6 20:09:36 on ttys000
xyz-MacBook-Pro:~ inganious$ /usr/local/bin/phpunit/phpunit /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/trackstar/protected/tests/unit/ProjectTest.php

Fatal error: Class 'CDbTestCase' not found in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/trackstar/protected/tests/unit/ProjectTest.php on line 3
xyz-MacBook-Pro:~ inganious$ 

这是我的 ProjectTest.php 文件

class ProjectTest extends CDbTestCase

    public $fixtures=array

    public function testCreate()
        //CREATE a new Project
        $newProject=new Project;
        $newProjectName = 'Test Project Creation';
        'name' => $newProjectName,
        'description' => 'This is a test for new project creation',
        'createTime' => '2009-09-09 00:00:00',
        'createUser' => '1',
        'updateTime' => '2009-09-09 00:00:00',
        'updateUser' => '1',
        //READ back the newly created Project to ensure the creation worked

        $this->assertTrue($retrievedProject instanceof Project);
        public function testRead()
        $retrievedProject = $this->projects('project1');
        $this->assertTrue($retrievedProject instanceof Project);
        $this->assertEquals('Test Project 1',$retrievedProject->name);
        public function testUpdate()
        $project = $this->projects('project2');
        $updatedProjectName = 'Updated Test Project 2';
        $project->name = $updatedProjectName;
        //read back the record again to ensure the update worked
        $this->assertTrue($updatedProject instanceof Project);
        public function testDelete()
        $project = $this->projects('project2');
        $savedProjectId = $project->id;



3 回答 3


检查 pŕotected/tests 中的引导文件是否指向正确的路径,并检查同一文件夹中的 WebTastCase.php 文件是否指向正确的“TEST_BASE_URL”,例如:


并尝试从 protected/tests 文件夹中运行 phpunit

于 2014-01-28T10:57:05.827 回答

I encountered the same problem while using PHPStorm. It works when I run the tests (ctrl+shift+F10) while standing on the directory 'unit', but will not work if I stand on the test file itself.

于 2012-12-30T08:12:27.100 回答

在您的框架目录中应该有一个名为 test 的目录,其中应该有 CDbTestCase.php。你能验证一下吗?如果它丢失了,您就发现了问题,否则您的代码将无法访问框架目录。

于 2012-10-06T14:37:18.413 回答