在查看中断处理程序(ISR)的运行方式时,我有些困惑。在 Wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Context_switch中,它通过 2 个步骤描述了中断处理:
When an interrupt occurs, the hardware automatically switches a part of the
context (at least enough to allow the handler to return to the interrupted code).
The handler may save additional context, depending on details of the particular
hardware and software designs.
The kernel does not spawn or schedule a special process to handle interrupts,
but instead the handler executes in the (often partial) context established at
the beginning of interrupt handling. Once interrupt servicing is complete, the
context in effect before the interrupt occurred is restored so that the
interrupted process can resume execution in its proper state.
1) 当前内核进程被挂起。但context
这里的情况如何?根据 Wiki 的描述,内核不会产生新的进程来运行 ISR,而且context established at the beginning of interrupt handling
, 听起来很像被中断进程中的另一个函数调用。那么中断处理程序是否使用interrupted process
's stack(context) 来运行?或者内核会分配一些其他内存空间/资源来运行它?
2) 因为这里的 ISR 不是可以被调度程序置于睡眠状态的“进程”类型。无论如何都必须完成?甚至不受任何时间片的限制?如果 ISR 挂了怎么办,系统如何处理?