我目前正在介绍 Java 类编程,但遇到了一两个问题。


我在 Stackoverflow 上查看了大约 7 或 8 个不同的帖子,在其他网站上查看了一些帖子,到目前为止,我找不到任何采用我所拥有的方法的人。


“ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 5 at Life.checkold(Life.java:151)”


我对这些方法的输入是一个大小为 5 x 5 的数组



public static boolean[][] buildnext(boolean[][] lastgen)
    boolean[][] nextgen = new boolean[lastgen.length][lastgen[0].length];

    for(int r = 0; r < lastgen[0].length; r++)
        for(int c = 0; c < lastgen.length; c++)
            nextgen[c][r] = checkold(lastgen, c, r);
    return nextgen;



public static boolean checkold(boolean[][] lastgen, int col, int row)
        int acount = 0;
        boolean alive = lastgen[col][row];

        if(col == 0 && row == 0) //Top Left Corner
            if(lastgen[col][row + 1] == true) acount++; //Below
            if(lastgen[col + 1][row] == true) acount++; //Right
            if(lastgen[col + 1][row + 1] == true) acount++; //Below Right

        else if(col == lastgen.length && row == 0)//Top Right Corner
            if(lastgen[col][row + 1] == true) acount++; //Below
            if(lastgen[col - 1][row] == true) acount++; //Left
            if(lastgen[col - 1][row + 1] == true) acount++; //Below Left
        else if(col == 0 && row == lastgen[0].length)//Bottom Left Corner
            if(lastgen[col][row - 1] == true) acount++; //Above
            if(lastgen[col + 1][row] == true) acount++; //Right
            if(lastgen[col + 1][row - 1] == true) acount++; //Above Right

        else if(col == lastgen.length && row == lastgen[0].length) //Bottom Right Corner
            if(lastgen[col][row - 1] == true) acount++; //Above
            if(lastgen[col - 1][row] == true) acount++; //Left
            if(lastgen[col - 1][row - 1] == true) acount++; //Above Left
        else if(col == 0 && row > 0 && row < lastgen[0].length) //Left Col
            if(lastgen[col][row - 1] == true) acount++; //Above
                            if(lastgen[col][row + 1] == true) acount++; //Below  (This is the code that the runtime error is about)
            if(lastgen[col + 1][row] == true) acount++; //Right
            if(lastgen[col + 1][row - 1] == true) acount++; //Above Right
            if(lastgen[col + 1][row + 1] == true) acount++; //Below Right

        else if(col == lastgen.length && row > 0 && row < lastgen[0].length) //Right Col
            if(lastgen[col - 1][row] == true) acount++; //Left
            if(lastgen[col][row - 1] == true) acount++; //Above
            if(lastgen[col][row + 1] == true) acount++; //Below
            if(lastgen[col - 1][row - 1] == true) acount++; //Above Left
            if(lastgen[col - 1][row + 1] == true) acount++; //Below Left
        else if(col < 0 && row == 0) //Top Row
            if(lastgen[col][row + 1] == true) acount++; //Below
            if(lastgen[col - 1][row] == true) acount++; //Left
            if(lastgen[col + 1][row] == true) acount++; //Right
            if(lastgen[col - 1][row + 1] == true) acount++; //Below Left
            if(lastgen[col + 1][row + 1] == true) acount++; //Below Right
        else if(col < 0 && row == lastgen[0].length) //Bottom Row
            if(lastgen[col][row - 1] == true) acount++; //Above
            if(lastgen[col - 1][row] == true) acount++; //Left
            if(lastgen[col + 1][row] == true) acount++; //Right
            if(lastgen[col - 1][row - 1] == true) acount++; //Above Left
            if(lastgen[col + 1][row - 1] == true) acount++; //Above Right
        else if(col < 0 && row < 0) //Middle Cells
            if(lastgen[col][row + 1] == true) acount++; //Below
            if(lastgen[col][row - 1] == true) acount++; //Above
            if(lastgen[col - 1][row] == true) acount++; //Left
            if(lastgen[col + 1][row] == true) acount++; //Right

            if(lastgen[col - 1][row - 1] == true) acount++; //Above Left
            if(lastgen[col + 1][row - 1] == true) acount++; //Above Right
            if(lastgen[col - 1][row + 1] == true) acount++; //Below Left
            if(lastgen[col + 1][row + 1] == true) acount++; //Below Right

        if(acount == 3 && alive == false) alive = true;
        if(acount == 1) alive = false;
        if(acount == 3 && alive == true) alive = false;

        return alive;

3 回答 3



else if(col == 0 && row > 0 && row < lastgen[0].length) //Left Col
            if(lastgen[col][row - 1] == true) acount++; //Above
                            if(lastgen[col][row + 1] == true) acount++; //Below  (This is the code that the runtime error is about)


if(lastgen[col][row + 1] == true) 

说 lastgen 数组是 2X3 数组并且 row = 2,否则如果部分为真,并考虑是否也为真,现在在这里

if(lastgen[col][row + 1] == true) 

您正在尝试访问3索引,请记住:数组索引从零开始。如果您的数组长度为 3,则您的数组索引将为 0、1、2。2将是最后一个索引。

于 2012-10-06T06:09:13.533 回答


      col < 0

在我看来,您应该评估“col > 0”

于 2012-10-06T06:14:37.910 回答


 1. if(lastgen[col][row + 1] == true) acount++;
 2. if(lastgen[col + 1][row + 1] == true) acount++;

假设您的 lastgen 元素大小为 4 并且您正在尝试访问[row+1]显然是5


else if(col == 0 && row > 0 && row < lastgen[0].length-1)

代替 else if(col == 0 && row > 0 && row < lastgen[0].length)


于 2012-10-06T06:28:23.813 回答