我写了一个简单的applescript来自动将文件添加到iTunes中并填充元数据。当我直接从编辑器运行它时,它可以工作,但从 iTunes 运行它,我会得到“AppleEvent Timed Out”。


set mainFolder to choose folder

tell application "Finder"
    -- Loop through all shows
    set shows to every folder of mainFolder
    repeat with show from 1 to count of shows

        -- Set Show Name
        set showName to name of item show of shows

        -- Set Artist
        display dialog "Who is the artist for " & showName & "?" default answer showName
        set showArtist to the text returned of the result

        -- Set Genre
        display dialog "What is the genre for " & showName & "?" default answer ""
        set showGenre to the text returned of the result

        -- Loop through all season
        set seasons to every folder in item show of shows
        repeat with season from 1 to count of seasons

            set seasonName to name of item season of seasons

            -- Set Season Number
            set seasonNumber to text 1 thru ((offset of "-" in seasonName) - 2) of seasonName as integer

            -- Set Year
            display dialog "What year was Season " & seasonNumber & " of " & showName & " in?" default answer "2012"
            set showYear to the text returned of the result

            -- Set Season Name      
            set seasonName to text ((offset of "-" in seasonName) + 2) thru ((offset of "." in seasonName) - 1) of seasonName as text

            -- Set Total Episodes in Season
            set totalEpisodes to count of every file in item season of seasons

            -- Loop through all episodes
            set episodes to every file in item season of seasons
            repeat with episode from 1 to count of episodes

                set episodeName to name of item episode of episodes

                -- Set Episode Number
                set episodeNumber to text 1 thru ((offset of "-" in episodeName) - 2) of episodeName as integer

                -- Set Episode Name
                set episodeName to text ((offset of "-" in episodeName) + 2) thru ((offset of "." in episodeName) - 1) of episodeName as text

                tell application "iTunes"
                    set newAddition to (add (item episode of episodes as alias))
                    tell newAddition
                        set video kind to TV show
                        set name to episodeName
                        set album to seasonName
                        set track number to episodeNumber
                        set track count to totalEpisodes
                        set disc number to "1"
                        set disc count to "1"
                        set show to showName
                        set season number to seasonNumber
                        set episode number to episodeNumber

                        -- Manual Entries
                        set artist to showArtist
                        set genre to showGenre
                        set year to showYear

                        -- Change episode ID based on season and episode number
                        if (seasonNumber < 10) then
                            if (episodeNumber < 10) then
                                set episode ID to ("S0" & seasonNumber as text) & "E0" & episodeNumber as text
                                set episode ID to ("S0" & seasonNumber as text) & "E" & episodeNumber as text
                            end if
                            if (episodeNumber < 10) then
                                set episode ID to ("S" & seasonNumber as text) & "E0" & episodeNumber as text
                                set episode ID to ("S" & seasonNumber as text) & "E" & episodeNumber as text
                            end if
                        end if

                    end tell -- End newAddition
                end tell -- End iTunes
            end repeat -- End Episode Repeat
        end repeat -- End Season Repeat
    end repeat -- End Show Repeat
end tell -- End Finder Repeat

2 回答 2


假设您在计算文件名的偏移量和不同组成部分时没有任何错误,代码本身似乎是合理的。但是,我可以看到 2 个可能的错误来源,可以解决您的问题。

首先,你的 iTunes 告诉你的 Finder 里面的代码块告诉代码块。本质上,您是在告诉 Finder 告诉 iTunes 做某事。这是可能的错误的来源。您应该将您的告诉块彼此分开。比如你有这个...

tell application "Finder"
    -- do something
    tell application "iTunes"
        -- do something
    end tell
end tell


tell application "Finder"
    -- do something
end tell

tell application "iTunes"
    -- do something
end tell

其次,您的“episode id”代码中的括号有误。比如这个...

("S0" & seasonNumber as text)


"S0" & (seasonNumber as text)

因此,我已将 iTunes 的内容分离到一个子例程中并修复了括号。请注意,我尚未测试此代码。我想我将所有正确的变量都传递给了子程序,但我不能确定。我希望这有帮助。

set mainFolder to choose folder

tell application "Finder"
    -- Loop through all shows
    set shows to every folder of mainFolder
    repeat with show from 1 to count of shows

        -- Set Show Name
        set showName to name of item show of shows

        -- Set Artist
        display dialog "Who is the artist for " & showName & "?" default answer showName
        set showArtist to the text returned of the result

        -- Set Genre
        display dialog "What is the genre for " & showName & "?" default answer ""
        set showGenre to the text returned of the result

        -- Loop through all season
        set seasons to every folder in item show of shows
        repeat with season from 1 to count of seasons

            set seasonName to name of item season of seasons

            -- Set Season Number
            set seasonNumber to text 1 thru ((offset of "-" in seasonName) - 2) of seasonName as integer

            -- Set Year
            display dialog "What year was Season " & seasonNumber & " of " & showName & " in?" default answer "2012"
            set showYear to the text returned of the result

            -- Set Season Name      
            set seasonName to text ((offset of "-" in seasonName) + 2) thru ((offset of "." in seasonName) - 1) of seasonName as text

            -- Set Total Episodes in Season
            set totalEpisodes to count of every file in item season of seasons

            -- Loop through all episodes
            set episodes to every file in item season of seasons
            repeat with episode from 1 to count of episodes

                set episodeName to name of item episode of episodes

                -- Set Episode Number
                set episodeNumber to text 1 thru ((offset of "-" in episodeName) - 2) of episodeName as integer

                -- Set Episode Name
                set episodeName to text ((offset of "-" in episodeName) + 2) thru ((offset of "." in episodeName) - 1) of episodeName as text

                my addEpisodeToItunes((item episode of episodes) as alias, seasonName, seasonNumber, episodeName, episodeNumber, totalEpisodes, showName, showArtist, showGenre, showYear)
            end repeat -- End Episode Repeat
        end repeat -- End Season Repeat
    end repeat -- End Show Repeat
end tell -- End Finder Repeat

on addEpisodeToItunes(theEpisode, seasonName, seasonNumber, episodeName, episodeNumber, totalEpisodes, showName, showArtist, showGenre, showYear)
    tell application "iTunes"
        set newAddition to add theEpisode
        tell newAddition
            set video kind to TV show
            set name to episodeName
            set album to seasonName
            set track number to episodeNumber
            set track count to totalEpisodes
            set disc number to "1"
            set disc count to "1"
            set show to showName
            set season number to seasonNumber
            set episode number to episodeNumber

            -- Manual Entries
            set artist to showArtist
            set genre to showGenre
            set year to showYear

            -- Change episode ID based on season and episode number
            if (seasonNumber < 10) then
                if (episodeNumber < 10) then
                    set episode ID to "S0" & (seasonNumber as text) & "E0" & (episodeNumber as text)
                    set episode ID to "S0" & (seasonNumber as text) & "E" & (episodeNumber as text)
                end if
                if (episodeNumber < 10) then
                    set episode ID to "S" & (seasonNumber as text) & "E0" & (episodeNumber as text)
                    set episode ID to "S" & (seasonNumber as text) & "E" & (episodeNumber as text)
                end if
            end if

        end tell -- End newAddition
    end tell -- End iTunes
end addEpisodeToItunes
于 2012-10-06T07:12:49.393 回答



我从这里得到了解决方案: http ://forums.ilounge.com/applescripts-itunes-mac/245120-need-help-add-tracks-files-via-applescript.html

我不知道为什么会这样,我试过使用 try-catch,超时......仍然没有工作。它可以作为一个应用程序工作吗?!

于 2012-10-08T22:58:11.023 回答