Why does three quarters of my sub-navigation vanish in Google Chrome but not in Firefox nor Internet Explorer?
Steps to recreate the problem:
- Open Google Chrome Version 22.0.1229.79 m
- Navigate to bigfont.ca
- Click About Us, then Services, then Client List.
- When you click Client List, the three quarters of the sub-navigation menu disappears.
Here is what the sub-navigation usually looks like:
Here is how is breaks after steps 1-4:
Why does three quarters of the sub-navigation vanish after clicking in a specific sequence?!
Here are some interesting observations:
- After completing steps 1-4 above, I can bring back the missing aspects of the sub-navigation by hovering over where we would expect them to be. They just come back.
- The problem only occurs in very specific sub-navigation click orders.
Here are the specific click orders that break it.
-the last click needs to be Client List
-the second to last click needs to be Services
-the third to last click needs to be something other than Client List.
Here are some more examples
About Us > Services > Client List = Vanish
About Us > Services > Services > Client List = Vanish
Shaun Luttin > Services > Client List = Vanish
About Us > Shaun Luttin > Services > Client List = Vanish
About Us > Shaun Luttin > Client List = No Problem!!!
About Us > Client List = No Problem
What is going on here?