我是一个新手,正在开发一个应用程序,该应用程序既显示用户从应用程序附带的集合中随机选择的俳句,又允许他/她编写俳句来添加该集合。它还将用户带到一个网页的网页视图,她/他可以从中购买俳句书籍。问题是,我已经将几乎所有的方法都放在了视图控制器中,而且我觉得好的 MVC 工作会以不同的方式划分它。以下是我的基本方法(为简洁起见,我合并了一些,省略了一些其他方法的子方法,还有 Foundation 和 UIKit 方法),并附有简要说明:
GHHaiku.m //This is a model class, or at least I think it is.
-(int)chooseNumber {
returns a random number
-(NSString *)haikuToShow {
uses that number to return haiku from collection
-(void) viewDidLoad
-(void) viewDidUnload
-(void) clearScreen {
gets rid of all UITextFields and images so that a new set of them can be created, perhaps with different parameters.
-(void) saveData {
saves persistent information like whether user has read the instructions
-(void)home {
takes user “home” from whatever screen we're in and shows next haiku
//--code to set up navBar and Toolbar
-(void)createNavBar:title {
creates and adds buttons to a UINavigationItem with “title” as title and adds UINavigationBar to view
-(void) loadToolbar {
loads toolbar at bottom of screen and adds buttons
//--code for instructions page
-(void) haikuInstructions {
shows instructions on screen
//--code for Amazon page
-(void) loadAmazon {
loads webview of haiku page at amazon.com
-(void) webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView)
-(BOOL) webview:(UIWebView) shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest) navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)
-(void) connectWithURL☹NSString) andBaseURLString: (NSString)
-(BOOL) connection: (NSURLConnection) didFailWithError: (NSError)
-(void) doneWithAmazon {
takes user out of webview Amazon and shows next haiku
//--code for compose page
-(void) createSpaceToWrite {
sets up and shows an editable UITextView
-(void) userWritesHaiku {
allows user to write haiku
-(void) userEditsHaiku {
takes user to edit screen for haiku s/he’s already written.
-(void) userFinishedWritingHaiku {
shows action sheet once user’s done
-(void) deleteHaiku {
allows user to delete haiku s/he’s written
-(void) saveUserHaiku {
saves user haiku to documents folder
-(void) takeToOptOut {
allows user to opt out of sending haiku to central database
//--code for sharing
-(void) createImage {
creates image of haiku
-(void) showActionSheet {
gives user options to tweet, faceBook, or email
-(void) share {
allows user to tweet, email, or facebook that image
//--code for display page
-(IBAction)chooseDatabase: (UISegmentedControl) {
allows user to choose whether to see his/her own haiku and/or haiku that come with the application
-(void) fadeView {
fades the UISegmentedControl for chooseDatabase
-(void) nextHaiku {
shows next haiku
-(void) previousHaiku {
shows previous haiku
我不得不想象其中一些属于不同的类,但我不知道在 GHViewController 中放置什么以及保留什么。(我认为我的部分困惑是因为“视图控制器”同时包含“视图”和“控制器”,我不明白它是视图、控制器还是两者都不是......)