我正在尝试在 Visual Basic 2010 中编写弹跳球应用程序。我有两个类:一个用于构建球对象和移动球,我有一个包含球位置和速度的球类。


Public Class Bouncer 'start of main class

    Private ball As BouncyBall 'private ball object field

    'form load event handler
    Private Sub CST8333_Lab3_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        ball = New BouncyBall(Me) 'call ball constructor
    End Sub 'end form load event handler

    'timer event handler to control ball movement
    Private Sub Timer_Tick(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer.Tick
        ball.MoveBall() 'move the ball object
    End Sub 'end timer event handler
End Class 'end main class


Class BouncyBall 'start of ball class

    'private field variables
    Private ballX As Integer
    Private ballY As Integer
    Private ballMovementX As Integer
    Private ballMovementY As Integer
    Private location As Point
    Private _bouncer As Bouncer

    'ball object constructor
    Sub New(bouncer As Bouncer)
        'instantiate variables
        _bouncer = bouncer
        ballX = 50
        ballY = 50
        ballMovementX = 5
        ballMovementY = 5
        location = New Point(ballX, ballY)
    End Sub 'end ball object constructor

    'subroutine to move ball
    Public Sub MoveBall()
        If (ballX >= _bouncer.Width) Then 'check if ball hits right side
            ballMovementX = -ballMovementX
        ElseIf (ballX <= 0) Then 'check if ball hits left side
            ballMovementX = -ballMovementX
        End If
        If (ballY >= _bouncer.Height) Then 'check if ball hits bottom
            ballMovementY = -ballMovementY
        ElseIf (ballY <= 0) Then 'check if ball hits top
            ballMovementY = -ballMovementY
        End If
        'move ball
        ballX += ballMovementX
        ballY += ballMovementY
        Me.location = New Point(ballX, ballY)
    End Sub 'end subroutine to move ball
End Class 'end ball class

球对象由围绕表格移动的标签组成。球对象称为 BouncyBall,我希望 MoveBall() 子例程中的规则引导球绕着表单移动。但是,我的球根本不动。我的计时器已启用,间隔为 50 毫秒,所以这不是我的问题。我认为我的问题是我的 MoveBall() 规则使用实际上不会更新标签属性的变量。

在找到使用变量更新 BouncyBall 球位置的方法后,我的球仍然没有移动。我仍然认为我需要以某种方式将包含我的规则的 BouncyBall 类链接到表单上的实际标签(也称为 BouncyBall)。



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