I gave it a try but it did not worked.
I am having two grids and a button. Initially the second grid will remain empty and the first grid will have some records.. When I select a few records in the first grid and click on the button, then the second grid should get populated with the only the selected rows of first grid.
Here is my code:
var getLocalStore = function() {
return Ext.create('Ext.data.ArrayStore', {
model: 'Company',
data: Ext.grid.dummyData
var getSelectedStore = function() {
return Ext.create('Ext.data.ArrayStore', {
model: 'Company'
var sm = Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel');
var grid1 = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
id: 'grid1',
store: getSelectedStore(),
columns: [
{text: "Company", width: 200, dataIndex: 'company'},
{text: "Price", renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney, dataIndex: 'price'},
{text: "Change", dataIndex: 'change'},
{text: "% Change", dataIndex: 'pctChange'},
{text: "Last Updated", width: 135, renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('m/d/Y'), dataIndex: 'lastChange'}
columnLines: true,
width: 600,
height: 300,
frame: true,
title: 'Framed with Checkbox Selection and Horizontal Scrolling',
iconCls: 'icon-grid',
renderTo: 'grid1'
var grid2 = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
id: 'grid2',
store: getLocalStore(),
selModel: sm,
columns: [
{text: "Company", width: 200, dataIndex: 'company'},
{text: "Price", renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney, dataIndex: 'price'},
{text: "Change", dataIndex: 'change'},
{text: "% Change", dataIndex: 'pctChange'},
{text: "Last Updated", width: 135, renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('m/d/Y'), dataIndex: 'lastChange'}
columnLines: true,
width: 600,
height: 300,
frame: true,
title: 'Framed with Checkbox Selection and Horizontal Scrolling',
iconCls: 'icon-grid',
renderTo: 'grid'
Ext.widget('button', {
text: 'Click Me',
renderTo: 'btn',
listeners: {
click: function(this1, evnt, eOpts ){
var records = sm.getSelection();
/*Ext.each(records, function (record) {
Please let me what's going wrong.