我想在 linux 中控制 MCP2200。




它将引脚 3 设置为 1。但我不知道在控制台中输入什么


2 回答 2


要控制 mcp2200,您需要一个程序为您做这些事情。

USBtoUART 对我不起作用,也许您必须自己进行一些编码 - 但您可以使用它来了解如何连接到 mcp2200 hid。

为了控制 IO,只需设置一个 16 字节数组,填充此处描述的数据: http ://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/93066A.pdf

如果您想控制除 gpios 之外的更多东西,您将不得不做更多的事情 - 可以控制的不仅仅是来自 linux 的 mcp2200 的 gpios。

我对 Windows 配置工具的通信进行了一点 USB 跟踪,提取了一些信息,然后 - tadaah,您可以使用自己的 pID/vID、制造商和产品字符串。

注意:您可能需要 MikeF 所说的 HIDAPI。


// NOTE: max. string length for manufacturer / product string is 63 bytes!!

// from usb trace of mcp2200 config tool
#define MCP2200_SECRET_CONFIGURE    0x01
#define MCP2200_CFG_PID_VID     0x00 
#define MCP2200_CFG_MANU        0x01
#define MCP2200_CFG_PROD        0x02


unsigned char **mcp2200_manu_string;
unsigned char **mcp2200_prod_string;


/* configure manufacturer string (16 x 16 bytes):
 *  output buffer:
 * #0: [01 01 00 16 03 58 00 4B 00 72 00 FF FF FF FF FF]
 *       |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  +-----------+--> Always FF
 *       |  |  |  |  |  |  +-----+-----+-----------------> Always 00
 *       |  |  |  |  |  +-----+-----+--------------------> First 3 Chars of Manufacturer Name / Product Name
 *       |  |  |  |  +-----------------------------------> In #0: 0x03, After #0: 0x00
 *       |  |  |  +--------------------------------------> (Length (Manufacturer Name) * 2) + 2 (after #0: chars of manufacturer name)
 *       |  |  +-----------------------------------------> Counter 0x00 .. 0x0F
 *       |  +--------------------------------------------> MCP2200 Config Bit (MCP2200_CFG_MANU / PROD / VID_PID)
 *       +-----------------------------------------------> MCP2200_SECRET_CONFIGURE from usb trace


void prepare_cfg_strings (char* manu, char* prod) {
    char manuStr[64];
    char prodStr[64];
    unsigned int i, k = 0;
    unsigned char tmp = 0;

    memset (manuStr, 0x00, sizeof(manuStr));
    memset (prodStr, 0x00, sizeof(prodStr));

    // allocate mcp2200_{manu,prod}_string buffer, 2-dim array with 16 x 16 chars
    if (( mcp2200_manu_string = ( unsigned char** )malloc( 16*sizeof( unsigned char* ))) == NULL ) {
        // error
    if (( mcp2200_prod_string = ( unsigned char** )malloc( 16*sizeof( unsigned char* ))) == NULL ) {
        // error

    for ( i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
      if (( mcp2200_manu_string[i] = ( unsigned char* )malloc( 16 )) == NULL ) {
        /* error */ 
      if (( mcp2200_prod_string[i] = ( unsigned char* )malloc( 16 )) == NULL ) {
        /* error */ 
      /* init the rows here */
      memset (mcp2200_manu_string[i], 0x00, sizeof(&mcp2200_manu_string[i]));
      memset (mcp2200_prod_string[i], 0x00, sizeof(&mcp2200_prod_string[i]));

    // manuStr holds (strlen(manuStr) * 2) + 2 in byte[0] and manufacturer string from byte[1] on
    strcpy (&manuStr[1], manu);
    manuStr[0] = ((strlen (&manuStr[1]) * 2) + 2);
    // prodStr holds (strlen(prodStr) * 2) + 2 in byte[0] and product string from byte[1] on
    strcpy (&prodStr[1], prod);
    prodStr[0] = ((strlen (&prodStr[1]) * 2) + 2);

    // build manufacturer / product strings
    for (i=0, k=0; i<16; i++, k+=4) {
        if (i==0) {
            tmp = 0x03;
        } else {
            tmp = 0x00;
        // manufacturer string
        mcp2200_manu_string[i][0] = MCP2200_SECRET_CONFIGURE; 
        mcp2200_manu_string[i][1] = MCP2200_CFG_MANU;
        mcp2200_manu_string[i][2] = i; 
        mcp2200_manu_string[i][3] = manuStr[k];
        mcp2200_manu_string[i][4] = tmp;
        mcp2200_manu_string[i][5] = manuStr[k+1];
        mcp2200_manu_string[i][6] = 0x00;
        mcp2200_manu_string[i][7] = manuStr[k+2];
        mcp2200_manu_string[i][8] = 0x00;
        mcp2200_manu_string[i][9] = manuStr[k+3];
        mcp2200_manu_string[i][10] = 0x00;
        mcp2200_manu_string[i][11] = 0xff;
        mcp2200_manu_string[i][12] = 0xff;
        mcp2200_manu_string[i][13] = 0xff;
        mcp2200_manu_string[i][14] = 0xff;
        mcp2200_manu_string[i][15] = 0xff;

        // product string
        mcp2200_prod_string[i][0] = MCP2200_SECRET_CONFIGURE; 
        mcp2200_prod_string[i][1] = MCP2200_CFG_PROD;
        mcp2200_prod_string[i][2] = i; 
        mcp2200_prod_string[i][3] = prodStr[k];
        mcp2200_prod_string[i][4] = tmp;
        mcp2200_prod_string[i][5] = prodStr[k+1];
        mcp2200_prod_string[i][6] = 0x00;
        mcp2200_prod_string[i][7] = prodStr[k+2];
        mcp2200_prod_string[i][8] = 0x00;
        mcp2200_prod_string[i][9] = prodStr[k+3];
        mcp2200_prod_string[i][10] = 0x00;
        mcp2200_prod_string[i][11] = 0xff;
        mcp2200_prod_string[i][12] = 0xff;
        mcp2200_prod_string[i][13] = 0xff;
        mcp2200_prod_string[i][14] = 0xff;
        mcp2200_prod_string[i][15] = 0xff;


prepare_cfg_strings ("MyManufacturerName, "MyProductName");

打开你的 mcp2200 的隐藏句柄并将这些东西放在总线上:

// write manufacturer string configuration to usb device
for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
    hid_write (handle, mcp2200_manu_string[i], 16);
// write product string configuration to usb device
for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
    hid_write (handle, mcp2200_prod_string[i], 16);

如果您想使用自己的 VendorID / ProductID 刷新 mcp2200,请配置您的消息:

// Microchip VID: 0x04d8
//   MCP2200 PID: 0x00df
mcp2200_pid_vid_cfg[] = 01 00 D8 04 DF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
                         |  | +---+ +---+--------------------------------> Product ID (bytes swapped)
                         |  |     +--------------------------------------> Vendor ID (bytes swapped)
                         |  +--------------------------------------------> MCP2200 Config Bit (MCP2200_CFG_VID_PID)
                         +-----------------------------------------------> MCP2200_SECRET_CONFIGURE from usb trace


hid_write (handle, mcp2200_pid_vid_cfg, 16);



于 2014-04-16T10:33:18.820 回答

您将无法通过 USB tty 从控制台/终端控制 GPIO 端口... USB 转串口/UART 转换器是 MCP2200 的功能之一,要控制 GPIO,您需要通过 USB 和 HID 发送命令司机。要实现这一点,您将需要以下内容。





USBtoUART 需要 HIDAPI 包中的 hid.o...所以首先从 HIDAPI 开始...



ps:我对代码做了一些修改,以接受二进制格式来控制 GPIO 端口等......它在 x86 和 ARM(Raspberry Pi)上编译得很好

于 2013-03-06T16:07:05.320 回答