我注意到很多人配置 Spring Securityform-login如下

<form-login login-processing-url="/static/j_spring_security_check" login-page="/login"     



3 回答 3


在功能方面没有区别。只是 Spring 框架非常灵活,可以让您轻松更改各种配置。当您想隐藏您正在使用 Spring Security 的事实时,它会很有用,方法是更改​​为不同的 url(没有 Spring it it)。

于 2012-10-07T23:35:17.953 回答

Adding To Umesh's answer and quoting it from Spring Security Book

It may be obvious, but if we only wanted to add a custom login page, we would only need to specify the login-page attribute. We would then create our login form using the default values for the remaining attributes. However, it is often a good practice to override the values of anything visible to users, to prevent exposing that we are using Spring Security. Revealing what frameworks we are using is a type of "information leakage", making it easier for attackers to determine potential holes in our security.

于 2013-05-11T08:28:17.123 回答

如果您仍然对使用登录处理 URL 感兴趣,我们可以更改默认 URL。因此,如果您当时在 http 标签中定义了模式, j_spring_security 将失败。因此,当我们根据模式进行限制时,它非常有用。

于 2014-05-28T09:48:31.990 回答