var searchme = "this is a testxxx of my data yxxx and there are many of these xxx parts yxxx";
var startindex= searchme.indexOf("xxx");
var endindex = searchme.indexOf("yxxx") + 3; //added 3 to find the index of the last 'x' instead of the index of the 'y' character
var stringpiece = searchme.substring(startindex, endindex - startindex);
你可以重复一遍startindex != -1
就像我说的那样,索引可能会稍微偏离,您可能需要在某处添加 +1 或 -1,但这会让您相处得很好(我认为)。
var a = "this is a testxxx of my data yxxx and there are many of these xxx parts yxxx";
a = ProcessString(a, CountChars);
string CountChars(string a)
return a.Length.ToString();
string ProcessString(string a, Func<string, string> processor)
int idx_start, idx_end = -4;
while ((idx_start = a.IndexOf("xxx", idx_end + 4)) >= 0)
idx_end = a.IndexOf("yxxx", idx_start + 3);
if (idx_end < 0)
var string_in_between = a.Substring(idx_start + 3, idx_end - idx_start - 3);
var newString = processor(string_in_between);
a = a.Substring(0, idx_start + 3) + newString + a.Substring(idx_end, a.Length - idx_end);
idx_end -= string_in_between.Length - newString.Length;
return a;