我使用 List 来存储值,如果数据有限,它可以正常工作,如果数据超过 15o 的计数,那么我收到以下错误 Index was outside the bounds of the array ...Plz建议一个想法克服这个问题。
List<string> code = new List<string>();
private void btn_browse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult fileopen = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog();
string filename = openFileDialog1.FileName;
txt_filename.Text = filename;
StreamReader readtxtfile = new StreamReader(filename);
String line = null;
string str = null;
char[] separate = { ',' };
string[] words;
while ((str = readtxtfile.ReadLine()) != null)
words = str.Split(separate);
code.Add(Convert.ToString(words[0]) + '-' + Convert.ToString(words[2]).Trim());