I need to develop an application for managing WebSphere Application Server v7.0.0.11. I explored a bit and found out that we can use Mbeans. Actually I need to create something similar as Web-sphere's web console.

My problem is that the application should be in C# .net so is there any connector/Adapter to invoke web-sphere's management API. Please point me in right direction.

I am a C#.net developer and a total newbie in java/websphere, I tried creating Admin Client Example from IBM site by using packages found at IBM/Webshpere/Cimrepos directory. The name of Jar file is com.ibm.wplc.was_7.0.0.11.jar I unzipped that jar file in the same folder.

So now My App is starts, connects to websphere successfully and finds mbean on the nodeAgent. The problem I am facing in invoking mbean. I am getting following error message.

exception invoking launchProcess : javax.management.ReflectionExcetion: Target Method not found com.ibm.ws.management.nodeagent.NodeAgent.launchProcess

I am using following url for list of mbean


i tried using different methods from nodeAgent mbean but no joy , I am always getting same exception "method not found".

Following is the code snipped for invoking launchprocess

private void invokeLaunchProcess(String serverName)  
        // Use the launchProcess operation on the NodeAgent MBean to start  
        // the given server  
        String opName = "launchProcess";  
        String signature[] = { "java.lang.String" };  
        String params[] = { serverName };  
        boolean launched = false;  
            Boolean b = (Boolean)adminClient.invoke(nodeAgent, opName, params, null);  
            launched = b.booleanValue();  
            if (launched)  
                System.out.println(serverName + " was launched");  
                System.out.println(serverName + " was not launched");  

        catch (Exception e)  
            System.out.println("Exception invoking launchProcess: " + e);  

Full Code could be found on following link


Please let me know what I am doing wrong, do i need to include some other package ? I browsed com.ibm.wplc.was_7.0.0.11.jar, there isn't any folder named nodeagent in com\ibm\ws\managemnt. I found the same jar file in Appserver\runtimes library.

Any help is greatly appreciated, Thanks in Advance.

Getting Mbean

private void getNodeAgentMBean(String nodeName)
        // Query for the ObjectName of the NodeAgent MBean on the given node
            String query = "WebSphere:type=NodeAgent,node=" + nodeName + ",*";
            ObjectName queryName = new ObjectName(query);
            Set s = adminClient.queryNames(queryName, null);
            if (!s.isEmpty())
                nodeAgent = (ObjectName)s.iterator().next();
                System.out.println("Node agent MBean was not found");
        catch (MalformedObjectNameException e)
        catch (ConnectorException e)
        }catch (Exception e){

        System.out.println("Found NodeAgent MBean for node " + nodeName);

1 回答 1


看来我的问题是 adminClient.invoke 方法我没有正确传递参数。在有正确的参数后它得到了修复。如果有人遇到同样的问题,我希望这会有所帮助。

于 2012-10-16T13:22:37.750 回答