2 回答
以前的答案仅适用于评论。Like 对话框更难一些。
我们使用以下解决方案用一块石头杀死了 4 只鸟: - Facebook Like 对话框出现在 Like 按钮上方和顶部 z-index 级别
- 它是完全异步的,因此页面不会阻塞
- 我们自动创建正确的 url 条目所以我们所有的页面都使用相同的javascript,
http ://www.plixo.com.sg/download/fb_open_up.png
1)我们在所有页面中都包含一个“空”的 div,而不是用 javascript 填充:
<div id="social-media-bar"><div id="social-media"></div></div>
PS:2 级 div 的原因是因为我稍后会将其扩展到 google+、twitter 等
2) we load facebook asynchronously
using LazyLoad loader but any will do and you can also do synchronous if you want:
LazyLoad.js(('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') +
3) in the facebook init, we:
- fill the dedicated div,
- ask fb to parse the inserted tags
- use a timeout after parsing to ensure display has been refreshed and thus widht and height are correct.
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
var d = document,n,nn,url,url_ref,i;`
// due to bug in facebook need to delay the actual access to data after parse
function FBUpdateSize(){
var h,str;
// show facebook entry using actual element size
h = nn.firstChild.clientHeight;
str = h+'px';
nn.style.height= str;
n.style.height= str;
FB.init({ channelUrl : 'http://www.plixo.com.sg/channel.html',
//appId : '228760567272221',
status : false,
xfbml : false});
// create facebook entries in the DOM
n = d.getElementById('social-media');
url = d.URL;
i = url.lastIndexOf('/')+1;
url_ref = url.slice(i,url.indexOf('.',i));
nn = d.createElement('fb-like');
nn.innerHTML = '<div id="fb_like_bottom"><fb:like href="' + url + '" ref="' + url_ref + '" send="false" layout="standard" width="360px" show_faces="false"></fb:like></div>';
nn = n.appendChild(nn);
// call facebook to fill DOM entries
// use a timeout in callback to ensure browser has refreshed internal clientHeight
4) and only 3 dedicated css styles:
background-color:#f2f2f2;border:1px solid #bdc7d8}
#fb_like_bottom .fb_iframe_widget_lift{bottom:0;background-color:#f2f2f2;border:1px solid #bdc7d8
You can look at an example in any of our website pages, ex, http://www.plixo.com.sg/pipe-markers.html
Feel free to reuse/modify etc, will just appreciate if you link to any of our page ;-)
您可以编辑类 pluginCommentFlyoutFull 的 CSS。该类的 top 属性可以设置为负值。您还需要为类似按钮飞出的其他 HTML 元素执行此操作。你还需要做一些 z-index 让它出现在你的主要内容包装器上。
.pluginCommentFlyoutFull { 宽度:450px; 顶部:-157 像素;}