Can we do a lucene query without the key and just providing the value? For ex: Lets have index is on created on following two properties, city and country Now, can i search, "*:query" , without specifying any of the properties name.
Thanks, Abdul
Can we do a lucene query without the key and just providing the value? For ex: Lets have index is on created on following two properties, city and country Now, can i search, "*:query" , without specifying any of the properties name.
Thanks, Abdul
city: mycity
country: mycountry
city: mycity
country: mycountry
address: mycity mycountry maybe even some other things too
您需要确保 'city' 和 'country' 并已存储 (Field.Store.YES),以便稍后获取它们。“地址”仅用于搜索,因此请确保已对其进行索引(Field.Index.ANALYZED),并且很可能未存储(Field.Store.NO)。是否要索引城市和国家取决于您,但如果您只想搜索一个词作为国家,这可能不是一个坏主意。