I want a simple non-MySQL PHP script that allows viewers to vote up or vote down a page. If it has to be MySQL database driven, then that's just how it has to be. Ideally, not though.
So basically if you were to view source of this page in a web browser it would look something like this:
<h2>Stack Overflow Is Cool</h2>
<span id="author-info-etc">Written by Ben Dover on 01-01-2012 (+12) | (-3) Total Rank: +9</span>
<p>Once upon a time there was this really cool website called Stack Overflow where amazing people would help answer questions asked by people who destroyed their keyboards by throwing them against their computer screen in an act of utter frustration and despair.</p>
And the source file would look like this:
<span id="author-info-etc">Written by <?php echo $authorname; ?> on <?php echo $pubDate; ?> <?php include ('pagevotescript.php'); ?></span>
Could someone help me to create this PHP script?