特别是,一个公式说明了大约 2 个字节:
Byte 1 --> 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Byte 2 --> 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R Roll
If 'R' = 0, Roll Angle not available
If 'R' = 1, Roll Angle = [((Byte 84 & 0x7F)<<8) | (Byte 85) – 900] / 10
我需要取一个值,例如 4.3 并将其转换为两个字节,以便能够使用上述公式将其转换回 4.3。最让我困惑的部分是减去 900。
private byte[] getRollBytes(BigDecimal[] positionData) {
BigDecimal roll = positionData[4];
roll = roll.multiply(BigDecimal.TEN);
roll = roll.add(new BigDecimal(900));
short shortval = roll.shortValue();
byte[] rollBytes = new byte[2];
ByteBuffer headingbuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(rollBytes);
//set the leftmost bit of the two bytes to 'on', meaning data is available
rollBytes[0] = (byte) (rollBytes[0] | (0x80));
//testing the result with my formula doesn't give me the right answer:
float testFloat = (float) (((((rollBytes[0] & 0x7F) <<8) | rollBytes[1]) - 900) /10);
return rollBytes;