我有一个使用 ZXing 库扫描 qrcode 以获取客户端数据的应用程序。二维码保存经度和纬度数据。当扫描发生时,我可以从扫描结果中获取信息。这是 ZXing 扫描的 onActivityResult 内部。在 onActivityResult 中,我启动了一个服务来查找用户位置,然后将来自服务的结果与保存在 qrcode 上的结果进行比较。扫描结果以及来自服务的 lon 和 lat 值然后存储在手机上的 sqlite DB 中,这称为事务。如果数据库为空,则事务将存储到数据库中。如果数据库中已经有事务,那么服务会运行两次,即使我已经调用了 stopService。任何人都可以告诉我为什么。
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) {
Log.e(TAG, "in onActivityResult from ZXing");
if (requestCode == 0) {
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
Log.e(TAG, "result ok");
tagScanTime = new DateTime();
thirtySecsAgo = tagScanTime.minus(30000);
DateTimeFormatter df = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd/MMM/yy h:mmaa");
String formattedScanTime = df.print(tagScanTime);
Log.e(TAG, "formatted tag scan time = " + formattedScanTime);
String formattedthirtysecsAgoTime = df.print(thirtySecsAgo);
Log.e(TAG, "formatted thity secs ago time = " + formattedthirtysecsAgoTime);
contents = intent.getStringExtra("SCAN_RESULT");
Toast.makeText(this, "scanner has found " + contents,
locationChangereceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
LocationChangeIntent myIntent = (LocationChangeIntent) intent;
lon = myIntent.getLongitude();
lat = myIntent.getLaltitude();
Log.e( TAG, "values from service =========="+lon+" "+ lat);
// stop the service.
stopService(new Intent(context, LocationService.class));
Log.e( TAG, "just called stopService in nfcscsnActivity");
String[] splitPayload = contents.split("@");
tagType = splitPayload[0];
tagCompany = splitPayload[1];
tagPerson = splitPayload[2];
tagUserName = splitPayload[3];
////////////////////////////////following values currently not stored to DB
tagLongitude = splitPayload[4];
tagLatitude = splitPayload[5];
Log.e(TAG, "about to compare lon/lat of tag to lon/lat of service");
&& tagLatitude.toString().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(String.valueOf(lat))){
showToast("carer not in exact position");
Log.e(TAG, "carer not in exact position");
showToast("carer is in exact position");
Log.e(TAG, "carer is in exact position");
new IntentFilter(LocationChangeIntent.ACTION_LOCATION_CHAHGE));
startService(new Intent(this, LocationService.class));
} else if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) {
// Handle cancel
Log.e(TAG, "There's a problem with the scan. Scan result failed");
Toast.makeText(this, "There's a problem with the scan. Scan result failed",